.:Chapter 2:.

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The prince in red smiled, as the boy with blue hair slowed down to a stop. The boy know to be Paton in Roman's notebook, had a light blue vest on along with: a white undershirt, tanish shorts, and a flower crown that layed to the side of his head. Paton was a very kind soul towards anyone he would meet. Roman wished that Remus could be more like Paton. It would be a blessing, honestly.
Speaking of Remus, he was messing with Logan. Logan seemed to be agitated, because Remus was... pulling at his cheeks. Logan was wearing a button down shirt, tucked into his pants, with flat ironed down dress pants. Remus found it odd that Logan was dressed like he was in the 2010's working man. Its 2020 man, get it together.
"Roman! I'm so excited that you could make it to the meeting. We could finally figure out how to deal with the.. 20 year argument," Paton said with a soft grown. He didn't like arguments, but this was for the best.
"I'm just glad that we can solve peacefully. My father did wish us to send you and your father, a grateful thank you for letting Remus come with me." Roman said with a bow. What a dramatic boi.
Paton smiled, "Well, my father would say it was are pleasure."
Roman smiled, turning his head to check up on his... odd brother. Remus had been putting his hand against the tree; like he was seeing how tall it actually was. Logan has disappeared, presumably; going into the tree. The red prince went grabbed his younger brother by the arm, he lead him into the tree with Paton following behind. This should be fun explaining everything to Remus.
The hallway to the meeting room was grand. There was large paintings of all of the meetings held in the tree so far. This pleace... made this hallway. It felt so refreshing to walk through with all of the vines growing along the walls. The maidens tending the smaller trees that stood on pedastools against the walls. Paton, had apparently been tending to the meeting room for a few days now.
Entering the meeting room, Roman pulled Remus into a chair. Roman sat down in the chair next to his brother, glancing around the room as the other two sit down across from them.
The ceiling was upside down tree, with small, little pixies flying around it so they can grow small pink flowers on them. The table they where sitting at, was a large round table made out of dark oak. Don't ask how Roman knows that...
Logan spoke up, noticing how quite it was, "Are other guest shall be here in a few moments. They have told me that the youngest brother was having some... difficulty with waking up this morning."
A prince that struggles to wake himself up in the morning. What a shame. Roman thought to himself. He had been sitting there for about five minutes, but he did snap out of it. He turned his head to look at a man with his right side of his body covered in yellow scales, and a smile like scar carved into his right side of his face. The man was followed by a smaller looking man that had on a cloak with purple patches on it, but it was a short sleeved cloak. If you where to see him, you would think that he was healing from a battle from all of his scars that was on his arm.
The two figures walked over two the table, sitting in between Remus and Paton. It was silent till the taller figure spoke, "You may call me Deceit; this is my Brother, Virgil. I'm the eldest brother, and Virgil is the youngest. I will be doing most of the talking, and my brother will speak for me if I leave the room for some reason."
Roman sat there, as Paton gave him a small nod. It seemed that Paton... was the only one who actually knew how to react to the man, I mean Deceit's entrance. It was odd, because Logan did not know how to react to him. Why did Paton know how to react to him, but not Logan? Roman took a mental note of this, because he wanted some answers.
"Shall we get started, with this?", Deceit said with all of his S's drawn out.

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