Chapter 4

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Steven's Pov

When we reached the temple, Garnet and Amethyst were sitting on the couch.

"Hey Steven. You got some explaining to do." Garnet said.

"Okay, okay. Since everything is taken care of, I'll explain. For starters, this is (Y/n) and Marshall, (Y/n)'s younger step brother. (Y/n)'s dad came to Beach City to kill them.
I saw them at the beach and decided to bring them in."

Timeskip brought to you by Lion

"And thats the whole story." I told the gems.

(Y/n)'s Pov

After Steven's long explanation, he asked if me and Marshall would like a bath.

"Y-Yeah I'll take a bath.
W-Where's Marshall?" I asked with a small blush.
When Marshall heard his name, he came dashing towards me, bringing me to the hard floor and a warm, comforting hug.
Marshall didn't know about my cuts so I couldn't blame him. He was hugging my torso, along with my arms which had the cuts.

"O-Ouchh Uhh. H-Hey Marshall c-could you g-get off me." I begged. The pain was close to being unbearable but I did my best to not let anyone notice.

"What will you do for me to let you go?" I knew what he was gonna ask but it's so embarrassing. Steven was at the couch giggling away. He wanted to know where this was going. I sighed.

"W-Will you p-please let m-me go my adorable
little marshmallow." I couldn't help but giggled at what I just did.
"Okay my cute big brother." He teased as he knew how easily I blushed. My faced turned red and I got up.
"I'm gonna take a shower and Marshall I swear- you better- be a good little marshmallow and wait for your turn to shower." It was hard to get angry while he was making cute faces. "Can we shower toget-" "I'm sorry Marshall but no. Your old enough to do things on your own. A-Anyways uhh I'm out." I ran to the toilet and locked the door.

Steven's Pov

"Hahahahahaahaha. That was a great show Marshall." I laughed. Marshall continued laughing when he realised that I was there the whole time.

"Awwww. But why doesn't he want to shower with me. He tends to take so long in the bathroom."
Marshall complained.

"Soo uhhh Marshall what do you wanna do?" I asked. "I think the real question is, What can we do?" Marshall placed his fingers under his nose so it's like a moustache, while giving a fancy accent.
We both started laughing and decided to play until we got tired. "I wonder what (Y/n) is up to." I thought. "Me too. He doesn't take this long in the toilet." Marshall whined. "How did you know what I was thinking?" I asked. "Dad always gives that kind of expression when (Y/n) takes too long in the toilet. I also suggest that we don't check up on him. He will have another panic attack if he is uncomfortable." "How do you know all of this?" "Dude, I literally showered with him for the pass 10 years. I noticed how he acts and well he thought he could hide things from me but he can't." "Wow thats pretty impressive." I said to  Marshall. We heard sobbing in the toilet. "Uhhhhh-" "If you really want to check on him, Knock gently and ask his permission if you could come in. I swear if he's doing it again, I don't know what to do."
Marshall mumbled something at the end but it was too soft to hear.

(Y/n)'s Pov

"Ughh I can't believe I'm doing this again. But I can't help it. I'm just so useless and stupid. Now that dads gone, what is my purpose. What do I live for. Marshall doesn't  knows what he wants to do but he's a kid so he's is an exception. I-I'm just so stupid on my own."
I cried.
I hugged my knees while I was in the bathtub.

Trigger Warning

I took out the razor in my pocket and start making deep cuts and sobbed.
Luckily, the shower was on so my sobs were covered by the sound of water droplets hitting the surface of the bathtub.

Trigger Ends

As I searched around, I found a first aid kit and treated my wounds right after I finished showering.
I continued to sobbed right after stepping out of the tub. "Knock knock. Hey (Y/n), are you okay in there." I heard Steven's voice.

"W-Woops. Looks like I took a little too long showering. I'll be out in a sec." I wiped myself clean, trying to avoid the fresh cuts. "H-Hey Steven, I can't find my clothes" "I placed them in the washing machine. They were dirty.
You could use my spare clothes for the time being. If you want to that is."
"Uhh okay Steven. Could you hand it to me?" As I unlocked the door, I used my right hand (The one with no cuts) and grabbed Steven's spare clothing. I locked the door and wore the pants. I took Steven's spare shirt and sniffed it. "Wow. He smells so nice."
I thought.

As I got out, Steven and Marshall were sitting outside. "Hey (Y/n). What took you so long?" Steven asked. "Oh I uh had a really bad headache so it was difficult for me to shower properly." I lied. "Please buy the excuse." I thought.

"Oh Umm since its been a long day for you, lets get you too bed. Marshall, You can shower now. Your clothes is right there beside the bathroom door." Marshall then entered the bathroom and showered as fast as he could.

Time skip

Steven's Pov

"So how's the clothes
(Y/n)." I asked. "Steven, I'll be honest, your clothes is the best thing I've ever worn. It's so soft and it smell just like you-" (Y/n) paused and his faced was turning a light shade of red. My face was getting hotter and I didn't think much of it.

Marshall entered the room and started saying to me and (Y/n) about how he liked my old shirt that I wore when I was younger.
(Y/n) Would agree with him and giggled the whole 3 minutes till they got tired. "Alright it's time for bed." As I got in bed, I see (Y/n) and Marshall getting comfortable on the floor.
"Uhh guys? What are you doing on the floor?" "But we always sleep on the floor." They said in unison.
"Come on the bed. It's more than enough for the 3 of us." I shifted to the corner of my bed while
(Y/n) and Marshall get in my bed. "Wow so this is what it's like to sleep on the bed." "Well get comfy. Night guys."

"Goodnight Steven" They said in unison.

Author note

Wow been so long since I updated. I got a lot of things to take care of. Really wished I could write more. Well thats all for today. I gotta work on the next chapter. Sayonara.

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