Beautiful cream

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*Ughhh why am I so ugly?"zoey says to herself as she looks in the mirror. She leaves out of the restroom and goes to her room and sits on her bed. She opens the laptop and goes to youtube and searches makeup tutorials. While she's searching through videos a ad catches her eyes.

"Beauty cream ~will make u extremely beautiful guaranteed."

"yeah right"zoey says in a sarcastic way. She looks up beauty cream on youtube. And one video pops up. She clicks on the video and watches as a girl puts the beauty cream on her face. The video does a time jump and shows the girl looking like a whole new person, and looks extremely beautiful.

"woah it works"zoey says in excitement, then clicks off the video without watching the rest of the video. She goes back to the ad and goes to order it.

1 week later

Zoey opens the mailbox, smiles grabs the box and runs back inside her house. She goes to her room and unboxes the package. She sees a paper but is too excited for the cream, so she throws the paper on the ground. Zoey takes the cream out of the box a rushes to open it. She finally opens it but she can see little movements in the beauty cream. She looks at it and says"as long as this makes me beautiful I don't care."she looks in the mirror in her room and puts it on her face.

20 minutes later

Zoey wipes the cream off her face and looks in the mirror. "Woahhhh I look like a different person and I'm so beautiful "zoey says as she stares at herself in the mirror.

The next day at school

"Wow who is that?" as people in the hallway stares at zoey walking down the hallway. Zoey smiles and walks into her first period class, and everyone in her class starts looking at her and boys started to talk to her. But later on that day in school zoeys face starts to sting. The pain got even greater as time went on at school.

"RINGGGGGG"the bell rings and it's the end of the day. Zoey leaves her class but her face feels like there is someone pouring hot ass water on her face. Zoey rides the bus but everyone starts making random conversations with her and flirting. Zoey hides the pain she is feeling in her face and makes it home.

She finally gets home and rushes to her room, as her face starts to feel like it's on fire. She goes to her mirror and she sees skin at the bottom of her chin hanging down so she touches it then gently pulls it then.....

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