What does the word "Thawra" or "Revolution" mean?
The word revolution has a lot of meanings, "A sudden change in the way people do things" is one of the meanings. The word itself is of a late Latin origin from the word "revolver" or "roll back". In order to start talking about the great Sudanese revolution, we must know what it means in details. The word revolution means "A change in the way a country is governed, usually to a different political system and often by using violence or war", It also means "The action by a celestial body of going round in an orbit or elliptical course" However, there are a lot of definitions with a lot of meanings. The Sudanese revolution is a non-violent one, even though it was met with worst types of oppression and repression of freedom. The people did not respond to those things, instead they went out chanting and demanding for Freedom, Peace and Justice.When did the Sudanese revolution begin and why?
This revolution or "December's revolution" as we call it, is not Sudan's first nor second, nor third revolution. The country Sudan witnessed more than 3 great revolutions. The first one was in 1881, when Mohammed Ahmed Al-Mahadi revolted against the Turko-Egyptian rule, it was an Islamic one that lasted for 18 years. The second one was in October 1964, when the Sudanese people revolted against Ibrahim Aboud (Former second president of Sudan), October 1964 was the first revolution in Africa and the Arabic world. Third one was in 6 April 1985, when again, the Sudanese people went out against Jaafar Nimeri (Former fifth president of Sudan) in what we call a million march to the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) Headquarters.

Non-FictionA brief summary of the Great Sudanese revolution that took place in 2018 - 2019 and lead to the downfall of the 30 years dictator Omer Al-Bashir.