Chapter 5: Sleeping Next to Dabi

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Your POV
So, I was able to clean 3 out of the 5 rooms. Mostly anyways. All 5 rooms have been swept and mopped, but not all rooms have been vacuumed nor dusted.

While cleaning, I had realized that every room had dried blood, some form of decay and cobwebs everywhere. So now I have a bucket of bleach with me while I clean each room. I have 1 washrag for the bleach and that's what I've been using to clean part of the floors before mopping. It sucks.

But now it's time to sleep. All the villains had taken a shower already, I haven't. I don't have any clothes to wear unless I want to wear one of the villain's clothes. And I really don't want too, so. Not happening. That was until I was threatened and forced to.

So currently, I'm getting ready for bed. I took my shower and was given some of Dabi's clothes to wear. His clothes are a bit big on me, but they are warm, soft, and comfortable.

Another thing. I am forced to sleep in the same room as the fucker. So Dabi and I made a deal. I'll sleep next to him on the bed, and I'll treat him like I used to. A friend. And I agreed since I haven't finished cleaning his room yet.

-Small Time Skip 4 hours-

So, all the villains are fast asleep. And I'm wide aware. Do you want to know what I do when I am bored? I cook.

Aka, I'm in the kitchen, cleaning the entire area. That includes the fridge, oven, stove, sink, cabinets, dishes(plates, bowls, silverware/tableware, cups, etc). Once everything, including the pans, we're clean I had gotten to cooking.

I finished making an easy dessert, feeling exhausted. Finally, I head to Dabi's room and lay down on the bed after making sure everything was closed and turned off and put away.

Once I laid down, I immediately felt extreme heat. Does Dabi's body produce extreme heat because of his quirk?

It actually doesn't matter because the heat actually lulled me to sleep. And it was the best sleep of my life, surprisingly. To be honest, I truly did miss Dabi...
When I finally woke up, it was about 9 AM. I can still feel Dabi's presence since I can still feel the intense heat. If anything, it's twice as intense. He must be awake.

That's what I thought when I started moving. But I was immediately grabbed and pulled on top of the male.

Dabi's POV
So maybe I was awake when Y/N woke up. And maybe I purposely pulled (her/him/them) down so I can continue to cuddle. So maybe I like (her/him/them).

Welp. I'm doomed if this gets out. But for now, I'm going to enjoy cuddling Y/N for another few minutes or so. Maybe (she/he/they) will fall back asleep. Hopefully.

Also, (her/his/their) body is a great contrast to mine. Holy fuck am I smitten. Completely for a god damn pro hero who would turn me in in an instance. Fuck!!

Y/N and I finally got up at around 2 PM, stretching. I had work to go do and Y/N still has some rooms to finish cleaning. To be honest, I am actually surprised by how much (she/he/they) were able to get done yesterday.

But there is one thing that I am concerned about... I'm concerned that the other pro heroes and class 1A will come after and try to find Y/N. (She/He/They) are mine and only mine. No one else can have Y/N unless they have a death wish for they will perish as soon as their hand touches (her/him/them).

When I finally came home after my little mission, I noticed that every room was furnished. Now, the hideout is actually in a pretty busy place, so making this building look like its habitable and will throw off any and all suspicion. A smart move that only a hero would think about.

I walked into my room, seeing Y/N under some new blankets. Something that I am noticing is that (she/he/they) are shivering. And it's about 89 degrees Fahrenheit(or 31.7 degrees Celcius) in my room alone.

"Hopefully my body temperature isn't messing with Y/N's body temperature. If so, (she/he/they) could die from frostbite in an 80 degrees Fahrenheit(or 26.7 degrees Celcius) room." I gnawed at my lip as I thought about the possibility before just shrugging and going to sleep next to Y/N again.

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