"We need to talk."

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I went on the metro station, bought a ticket and made my way to the subway. I sat on the bench and I started to hear some music. The subway was full and it was a completely mess. Somehow, someone felt over me!

"I'm so sorry lady, I'm sorry, did I hurt you?" Asked a male voice with a sweet touch. I looked up and I saw a guy with a brown sunglasses.

"It's ok! It wasn't your fault. This subway is a mess and we can't walk around here without getting hurt."

"Well if I can't walk, can I seat here?"

"Sure!". The guy sat right beside me and we started to talk, like a daily talk and he was a nice guy.

"Lady, what's your name?"

"Alison... And yours?"

"Vincent... Nice to meet you Alison!"

"Nice to meet you too" I said. We change numbers and than I needed to go, so I said goodbye and he returned back with something else: he literally kissed my cheek before I leave the bench.

He was cute as hell... Gosh! He had that hipster style, with classy shoes and those brown sunglasses, which were amazing, and I really liked to meet him.
Vincent, what a name!

I made my way home, it was getting darker and darker and what I wanted was to arrive at home. In a few minutes, a car stopped by and I looked to the inside. It was Michael and his new friends.

"Hey baby doll, are you better now?"

"Better than ever!"

"Get into the car, lets go take a ride!"

"No Michael, I don't want to go now, see ya..."

"Come on babe, get in!"

I realised that Michael was not in his body in that moment. Maybe he was drunk, I don't know... But he wasn't ok. I started to walk and their car started to chasing me slowly and Michael didn't stop shouting to me. I ran to my house and I went home, without looking back to the car.

I went to the kitchen and I grabbed something to eat and drink. I got upstairs and I laid down on my bed and I close my eyes. Of course that I only woke up in the next morning.

Another day, another headache.
It was a Monday, which means that it was time to go to school. Then someone knocked on my door, it was Michael. I opened the door for him to get in.

"We need to talk."

"Good morning for you too!"

He made his way to the sofa and he started to talk. "You said that someone went over you to tell you that I was with Veronica right?"

"Yes, so?"

"So, last night, someone came over and told me that you were with a guy at the subway. Don't you have nothing to tell me?"

"What?! Ok first I was only with that guy because he asked if he could sit beside me, and I said yes! I didn't pick that guy and pushed him to sit right by my side."

"And do you think that I pushed Veronica to go with me to the garden?! Oh Alison"

"So you were with Veronica on the garden?! What the fuck Michael!"

The house was so empty that our screams were projected to the air, making some echoes. A five minute silence went over our conversation.

"I really don't know who you are right now..."

"So... Are you breaking up with me?"

"No... I'm just saying that you're not the same Michael anymore."


"Because the Michael that I met was sweat, he would come over me and tell me the truth and he would never let me know of that truth by rumours. He also loved staying with me at my house and now it seems to me that you are doing a sacrifice when I say for you to stay with me... I miss my old Michael, my British boy... I do miss you!"

He looked at me with tears in his eyes, he gave me a hug and he gave me a big kiss, smacking his lips on mine.

"I do love you and I never want you to feel that you lost me, ok?"

"Yes sir!"

He kissed me again and he grabbed me to my bedroom. He threw me to the bed and he started to kiss me, slowly... It was good as hell.

After an hours I woke up and saw his face. I gave him a kiss and I made my way to the bathroom. I took a shower and suddenly the curtain opened: it was him and he started to stare at me and he laughed.

"What?! Close the curtain, I need to have a shower."

Then he took his clothes off and he joined me on the shower.

"A good way to save water" said him.

Another day that I did not go to school.
The phone starts ringing and I quickly answered. It was Catherine.

"Girl, where are you? I searched and I did not found you..."

"I stayed home today, Michael showed up at the front door and we had a little conversation..."

"Hum... You don't have to explain yourself..."

"I need to go, Michael is calling me, bye bitch!"

I threw my phone for the bed and I run to see Michael. We was covered with blood and I didn't know what to do and what was going on, the only thing that he said to me to do was to call 911. Quickly an ambulance came home and took Michael to the hospital. I got inside my car and I drove to the hospital too. I searched for the service office and they quickly put me in the room where was Michael.

He was pale and I could hear his hardly breathing... Then the door opened and a voice started to talk with me but my attention was on Michael.

"Girl, you need to leave the room. We need to take this boy to the surgery block."

"Can I go with him? I really need to stay here for him... Please let me just go with him to the entrance of the surgery block."

"Ok but when we arrive there, you we'll need to leave us."

We walk to the surgery block and then I leave Michael and the nurse behind. I found a chair and I sat there waiting for him. I felt that someone just sat by my side, I looked and it was the subway guy... Vincent!

"Hello lady, what are you doing here?"

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