"A Little Bit Scared."

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Vincent and I passed through many sad moments but at that time I could say that we were finally together with no worries, like a true couple. It was hard but we did it.

He moved to my house, so we were living together and happier that ever before. Things were great, I thought.

"I love you" he said as he was looking at me from the poltroon at the corner of the house, "I do love you lady!" He shout.

"Shsh, don't scream, the neighbors can hear everything you now?" I said almost whispering.

He got up and he went outside. It was raining so that stupid boy got wet a few seconds after walking away from the front door. I got up too but I staid looking at him through the window.

"I love that girl!" He sreamed even louder. So dumb, the dumbest boy I've ever met in my life.

All the neighbors went to their windows to see his figures. He was too wet but he was smilling to me with his own smile and those beautiful eyes.

"What are you doing?!" I screamed to the outside.

"Saying who's the love of my life, outloud!" And he smilled again.

I couldn't resist. I run to him. I didn't care about the rain, or the neighbors' looks, I only cared about him. I run to him and I gave him the bigest and the most passionate kiss I've ever gave to him. He answered back and I could say to you that we stayed there for almost ten minutes, smilling to each other, kissing each other.

The rain went stronger and I ran back home with him. We were wet as hell, you couldn't imagine.

I got to the bathroom and I prepared the bath to take an hot bath of course. I undressed myself and I threw to the floor all those wet clothes that I had on. I went into the bath and covered myself with that hot water... It felt so good and I could think in myself for a short period of time.

Then he knocked the door and he oppened it.

"Hey lady, I'm sorry but there's someone in the living-room waiting for you..." He said scared. "He said that he's your father..."

I looked to him a little bit scared. My dad got missed a few weeks ago, i also went to my mom's house to calm her down and to call to the police reporting his missing. He went a little crazy a few months ago... So, yes, I was scared.

"Do I have to meet him?" I asked.

"He said that he really needs to speak to you..." He said quietly. I got scared even more.

I got out of the bath, I went to the room and I dressed up the first thing that I saw in the wardrobe. I ran downstairs and there he was, sitting on the sofa.

"Al! Oh it's so good to see my daughter! You grown so fast!" Said him. "Can I stay alone with my daughter young boy?" And he looked to Vincent.

"Sure!" And he walked upstairs.

"Hey dad... How are you?"

"Good but that's not why I came here. I need to ask you for some money..." And he looked at me a little bit angry.

"Ok... How much?"

"Just a little bit, like ten thousand euros." I looked at him mesmerized.

"That much? Why?" I asked as I looked around me.

"I need to restart mylife. I need to go somewhere, to go away from here... I need your money!" He shout. Vincent heard my father and he got downstairs to see if I was ok.

"It's everything ok down here?" Vincent asked.

My dad looked at him and the. He pulled me to his body and he picked the first knife that was on the table.

I shout as my dad pressed the knife on my neck.

"VINCENT!" I shouted!

"What the fuck man?! What are you doing?!" Vincente shouted.

"Give me my money!" My dad screamed.

I didn't know what to do, so made a signal to Vincent to give him the money. I didn't know what to do.

"Dad, please... OUTCH!" I said.

Vincent looked at him and he jumped over my dad. I was pushed onto the kitchen table. As I fell on the table, I must have hit with my hamead somewhere because, fron that moment, my head shut down and I didn't remmember anything. All I could hear was someone saying my name... Barely saying my name.

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