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"Sorry alpha," I said in great sorrow

"You better sorry me, why are you here," he demanded

"I-I'm here for the breeding project," I whispered

"Yes. I overheard that you were going into my breeding project. I have to say that your mother was wise to send you here, I am proud of her accepting the offer." he said flatly.

"I just want to know what this so-called breeding project is," I said hastily, not wanting him to yell at me again, but still curious. After all, I had a right to know what I was going into.

"Don't rush me, Ikea"

The next thing he said was scarring he was not going to let me get out of this now that I am here.

He said, "I will choose a mate for you. You will do what he wants. If you disobey him, I will have to punish you. Now go sit in your den until I find you a matching mate."

I just did as I was told and returned to my den. I talked to my mother for what felt like an hour. All the wolves, I call my pack heard the Zeo howl. We all gathered in the main room, The Gathering room. He talked about problems our pack had: not enough pups, how old he was getting, but mostly about the breeding project.

"Ashem I need to talk to you after our meeting."

"Fine, I'll come to you after this is done," I said.

After the meeting I went to Zeo's den I wondered why he needed me right after the meeting. As I padded to his den one of my friends came over to greet me.

"Hi, whatcha doing," she said

I said, "Nothing just going to Alpha's den for something."

"Why don't you come to my mother's den for dinner."

"Sure Winter. I'll ask my mom if I can come over." I said

I padded into Zeo's den, expecting to see him waiting for me.

"I have called you here to show you something special"

"What do you want to show me Ze-Alpha"

"Come into my back room for a minute so I can show you"

"I'll be right back I need to go use the bathroom"

"Hurry then I can't wait forever for you"

I ran out of his den running into my mentor. I was hoping I could get around him to get some fresh air. I wasn't ready for what he told me.

Ikea WolvesWhere stories live. Discover now