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After three days, I still couldn't remember my life before that horror. The Sun had corrupted my mind and wiped my memories. I still have trouble seeing in my right eye, but I have grown used to it. I have bits and pieces of my old life and I have Kristin to help me find a name for myself. I have nightmares of the sunblinding and the punishing.

"Do you have an idea for a name for me Kristin?"

"Not yet."

"Well I hope I get one soon. Being called Wolf is grating."

"I'll have a name for you soon," Kristin snickered.

It's been weeks since I first woke up in Kristin's cave. My vision in my right eye has remained cloudy. We have a few names for me, like Marigold, River, Moon or Moondrop, and we also have June. I like Moondrop or River. Kristin likes the name June, but I think it is too casual for me. I think that in a few days I will leave and find my pack again. As I was leaving Kristin saw me and asked me a few things.

"Hey where are you going at this time of the day"

" I'm leaving-- I need to find my pack," I started,

"You can't leave! You'll be killed if another pack finds you," Kristin said, moving forward towards me.

"I need to leave," I repeated, "I can't stay here. I don't want to run into that rogue pack again, and my pack can protect me." Kristin was silent for a moment, and then finally-

"Fine, leave. If it will help you, do it. You'll be missed," he paused and swallowed, '' I'll miss you River."

I was startled at hearing River.

"You know my name? Did you really find it?"

"No," he said, a small, rueful smile forming, "I didn't find your name. But I love the name River"

I smiled, but it didn't last long. Time hit me like a brick.

"I-I have to leave now or I won't find my pack. I'll be lost at night." Kristin nodded.

"But on one condition." After a time, I signaled for him to continue.

"I come with you. I can heal you and help you." I shook my head.

"You can't come with me," I started, "it will be dangerous and you might get killed," I said, turning to leave.

"River..." he started and paused, like he didn't really want to continue, "I have to come with you."

"And why would that be Kristin?" I was exasperated.

"I--I love you River."

And that was it, I felt the heat of him at my side--- actually quite liking the warmth, we continued on. I felt like I was just leading him off to his death and, well I had hoped not.We continued on for what felt like a week, but in reality was only a few days.

"Kristin...why do you like me," I remember asking one day as we set up camp, "I'm useless and can't even run". I had expected the typical answers, 'because it is you' or 'you are the only love of my life', but Kristin had other plans.

"Because you are the moon, always beautiful no matter where it is."

Shocked by what he said I came and nuzzled him. That night we slept together, it was the best night I had in a long time. That morning I found that he was gone. I went to trace his sent.

"Where could he be going?", I wondered aloud.

I followed his sent to a river, where I almost lost it, but regained it at the other bank. Luckily, he did his business on the bank, which is a bad choice if there were other wolves but it was good for me. As I entered a clearing I heard whimpering and went to investigate.

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