Family photo Shoot

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I'm gonna put the daughter Lila's picture up top so u can see. -MADDIEYE

I was getting Lila ready for photos and hayley was getting dressed. "Hey babe hurry up we have to be there soon!"I yelled to my slow but very well dressed wife.she finnaly emerged and my jaw dropped."Damn", I say, smacking her butt playfully. She smirks and sticks out her tounge.

When we get to the photo place I sit Lila out first to take pictures."Awww look at how pretty you are babu gurl", hayley coos at her.Lila smiled and babbled something at her momma.

We were taking pictures at an apple orchard so Lila had decided to pick up a shiny apple and take some nibbles out of it. Me and Hayley laughed and hayley ran over and took it away from her. Lila's bottom lip began to quiver and she started whining at hayley."Babe, you made our daughter cry" I say, picking her up."What? Its been on the ground. We'll get her something when we leave.""Ok"

We finish taking pictures and then we go out for lunch. We get Lila some puding because of hayleys promise.I kiss her and then Lila"I love you"I say, and she says "I love you too".

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