Meeting Jules

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Hey I'm Raiaz Holland, I'm a pretty boring person. Not a good way to start off a story but I'd better tell you now right?
I grew up with my dad, my mom died when I was 7, I thought I wasn't gonna survive without her but hey, look at me now. I have a younger sister named Reena.
My best friend Kinney has always been there for me, she's like your basic popular super pretty super hot high school cheerleader, except she's nicer than most. I go to a private school called Rosewood Academy but the people who go there are really just crackheads, all but one, Jules.

"Ray, get up we're gonna be late for our first day"
"Coming!" I was getting the rest of my stuff, when I was sure I got everything I grabbed my phone and airpods off my nightstand and got my backpack and and a pack of ores off my desk, I was wearing a white crop top and black denim jeans, nothing too much. I made my way down the stairs and to the kitchen, my dad was sipping coffee and reading the morning paper
"Morning Dad" I greeted and gave him a peck
"Morning angel" he said pecking me back.
Angel, I loved it when he called me angel. I made my way to the living room and gave my sister Reena a surprise kiss on the head, "hey!" She said "stop it!"
I just laughed.
" Ready? " I asked, " yeah, but aren't you gonna get breakfast?"
"Nah, who needs breakfast when they can get ice cream instead" I said with a smirk on my face
" Are you seriously gonna get ice cream this morning?" She asked giving me that look she always does when I'm being obnoxious
"Yeah I am, now if we wanna get there before school we better get going, so get your lazy ass off that couch Ree" she gave a little giggle and got up, we said bye to our dad and made our way out the door.
We got in the car, dad's car, I hated taking my car sometimes. I started and drove out our driveway, the road was clear, good sign, we weren't gonna get caught in traffic, not again.

After getting ice cream, we made it to school just in time actually. As usual Kinney was waiting for me next to her car, she was always dressed to perfection and she always complained about my style, she even tried to give me makeovers but, that's just not me.
"Ray! I missed you sooo much" she said engulfing me in a big bear hug
" Yeah yeah I missed you too" I said. Kinney had gone to California for Christmas and we FaceTimed everyday, but I still missed her Soo much.
I said bye to Ree and walked into the hallway with Kinney, we just walked on to our lockers like we always do, me in silence and her talking and chattering away with popular people that I don't even know, she often tried to get me to hang out with them. We got to our lockers and she spoke first
"So guess what I just heard" she said
"What?" She knew I was a terrible guesser
" There's a new girl" she continued, disregarding my sarcastic eyeroll "her name's Jules, haven't seen her though, just heard" yup that's Kinney, always hearing,never knowing. "Jules, nice name" I thought while getting stuff out of my locker for history
"I wonder what her story is" Kinney said
"Kinn what did I tell you about getting yourself involved in other people's business"
" I was just wondering! " She said, obviously annoyed.
Well I thought, "she's probably just another pretty girl for every guy to swoon over" but then it happened, She walked by, her hair was chestnut brown and curly, her skin was close to pale, she had a round face with big olive eyes, they sparked, they were beautiful, her lips were small and round and full and flushed pink, she had a nice physique, she was tiny and short, but not too much, she was actually really cute. I found myself staring and I quickly looked away when her eyes met mine, a little blush stained my cheeks, I turned around to face Kinney who was on her phone the whole time
"Done staring?" She asked with a sinister smile playing at her lips
"Shut up!" I said, she laughed

The bell went, and I got my stuff said bye to Kinney and hurried to history class. I took my usual seat, only to realize who sat next to me...Jules. I still couldn't stop thinking about her. She looked at me and gave me a smile, a very dollish cute one, "I'm Jules" she said and without even thinking I replied "I'm Raiaz" she smiled again, what is it with this girl and that damn smile, but I smiled back, and I knew that was the beginning of something, I didn't know what it was, but I was certain it was something.

Hey guys sorry it's a short chapter but I hope you enjoyed it and I'll update depending on how well this one does
Thanks for reading😊😊❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2020 ⏰

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