Chapter 10

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          Today I am 21 weeks pregnant. I'm halfway there. Can't believe it's been five months carrying Peanut around. My bump is very obvious at the moment and I had to tell my boss. I also had to tell him I was married. He promised he wouldn't talk about it to anybody and would continue to address me as Ms. Y/L/N. I'm glad he understands. My colleagues have congratulated me and asked me how I managed to keep it a secret for so long. I just told them I wanted to see how long it took for people to figure it out. I also told them I didn't know the gender yet, but I would let them know as soon as I did.

              Currently, Peanut was the size of a carrot and had fingerprints, hair and was moving like crazy. As for me, my lower abdomen, ankle and feet were aching... quite a lot. Also, my belly button had popped out and, to top it all, I clearly had been experiencing what they call "pregnancy brain". I kept forgetting where things went or how to do certain day-to-day things. Thankfully, I had already bought maternity clothes and was able to find some comfort in them. But the most important thing about this week was that I would find out Peanut's gender. Although I always dreamt of having a girl, in the current situation, I was hoping it was a boy. This way, the contract would be over soon and I could get back to my old life.

                 I had asked for the day off and was currently getting ready for my appointment with Dr. Anderson. I was in the process of applying some make-up when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in."


"You need anything, Seb?"

"No... actually yes. What time is your appointment?"

"11am. Why?"

"Because I'd like to come with you. You're halfway through the pregnancy and I haven't actually seen Peanut yet. Plus, isn't today supposed to be the gender reveal?"

"Yeah... how do you know that?"

"I... I looked it up. And I would like to update the picture I have of Peanut."

"You kept it?!?"

"Yes, why not? Despite the circumstances, Peanut is my kid too."

"I... I... I'm leaving in 15 minutes. So if you want to come with me, be ready at the door."

"You plan on taking the tube, right?"


"No need, I'll drive you."

"Seb, it's okay."

"Stop saying it's okay, cause it's not. You're five months pregnant, you shouldn't be walking and taking the tube unless it's completely necessary. I'm free today... I can drive you. It won't be a problem."

"Okay... thanks."

"It's 10am now... I guess we can leave at 10:30."


With that, Sebastian was leaving the room.

"Hey, Seb..."

He turned my way.


"Thanks. I mean it."

"You're welcome."

              Half an hour later we were getting in the car. As usual, the ride was completely silent, only the radio was heard. We arrived at the clinic and went to the waiting room. There were only two seats available, so Sebastian had to sit beside me. As we were waiting, I realized he was actually reading a book. I tilted my head a little to see what it was. When I saw the cover, I gasped. It was a pregnancy guide for fathers. Sebastian was actually reading a pregnancy guide for fathers. I was genuinely shocked.

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