Chapter 1: The Lemurian Star

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'Target is a mobile satellite launch platform,' our leader, Brock Rumlow announced. 'The Lemurian Star. They were sending up their last payload when pirates took them 93 minutes ago.'

'Any demands?' I interjected.

'A billion and a half.'

'Why so steep?' Steve asked from where he was standing next to me. Natasha was on my right and she was staring at the screen before us with calm intent, focusing on the mission ahead of us.

'Because it's SHIELD's,' I said.

'Did you just read my mind?' I looked at Rumlow.


'Did you just read my mind, Lehnsherr?'

'Yes. Sorry about that. But it's SHIELD's. The Lemurian Star belongs to SHIELD.'

'So it's not off course. It's trespassing,' Steve finished.

'I'm sure they have a good reason...' Natasha began, but was cut off by Steve.

'You know, I'm a little tired of being Fury's janitor.'

'Relax, you two. It's not that complicated,' I interjected. 'How many pirates?'

'25. Top mercs led by this guy,' and Rumlow pulled up an image. 'George Batroc. Ex-DGSE, Action Division. He's at the top of Interpol's Red Notice. Before the French demobilised him, he had 36 kill missions. This guy's got a rep for maximum casualties.'

'Hostages?' Steve asked.

'Mostly techs. One officer. Jasper Sitwell.'

'What's Sitwell doing on a launch ship?' Steve asked.

'You're asking way too many questions, Steve.'

'All right, Lehnsherr and I are gonna sweep the deck and find Batroc,' Steve announced. 'Nat, you kill the engines, wait for instructions. Rumlow, you sweep aft, find the hostages, get them to the life pods, get them out.'

'Alright, let's move! STRIKE, you heard the Cap. Gear up.'

I strapped on a parachute.

'Secure, channel seven.'

'Seven secure,' Natasha echoed from behind me. She came up to me and began strapping on her own parachute.

'Man, would I give anything to have my own suit. I have to wear this catsuit. What's the fun in that?' I muttered to myself.

'You're one of SHIELD's agents, Adelaide. At least you get a cool suit.'

'It's just not right, though. Nobody really likes the mind tricks. It's kind of fun though to get on Rumlow's nerves.'

'You doing anything fun Saturday night?'

'Now why would you be asking me that, Natasha?'

'Just asking. Steve, you doing anything Saturday night?'

'Well, all the guys from my barbers shop quartet are dead, so, no, not really.' I chuckled at this, when Natasha elbowed me.

'You need to tell him how you feel.'

'I don't know about that, Nat. You know how I feel about that.'

'You have a really hard time expressing your feelings.'

'What, like you and Banner?'

'Shut up,' she said, playfully elbowing me once more. I smirked and finished buckling up my parachute. 'You know,' she yelled to Steve, 'if you asked Lehnsherr out on a date, according to statistics, she'd probably say yes.'

'That's why I don't ask!'

'Too shy or too scared?'

'Too busy!' And with that, he launched himself from the jet.

'See what I mean, Romanoff?' And with that last word, I jumped out of the plane after Captain America.

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