Chapter 11: Revealing the Algorithm

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Steve shoved Jasper Sitwell out of the door and onto the deck. I followed him out, flanked by Natasha.

'Tell me about Zola's algorithm!' Steve demanded.

'Never heard of it.'

'What were you doing on the Lemurian Star?' I demanded.

'I was throwing up,' he blurted out. 'I get seasick. Is this little display going to insinuate that you're going to throw me off the roof? Because it's really not your style, Rogers.' Steve grabbed him and held him just inches from his face.

'You're right. It's not. It's hers.' He let go of him and I stepped forwards and kicked him off the roof. I watched as he fell, screaming. I laughed a little and stepped back, dusting off my hands with a relaxed sigh. 'Gonna tell me about that locket anytime soon?' Steve asked.

'Not at all, Rogers,' I said. Then he was brought back up, screaming by Sam. Sam dropped him on the roof where we were and landed with ease, folding his metal wings into his wing-pack thingy. The three of us stalked towards him, while Sam was behind him, keeping an eye on the SHIELD officer. Sitwell scrambled away from us, almost as if in terror.

'Zola's algorithm is a program for choosing INSIGHT's targets.'

'What targets?' I demanded.

'You and Rogers! A TV anchor in Cairo, the Under Secretary of Defence, a high school Valedictorian in Iowa City! Bruce Banner, Steven Strange, anyone who's a threat to HYDRA. Now or in the future.'

'How could it know?' Steve asked.

'How could it not? The 21st century is a digital book. Zola taught HYDRA how to read it. Your bank records, medical histories, voting patterns, emails, phone calls, your damn SAT scores! Zola's algorithm evaluates peoples' past... to predict their future.'

'And what then?' Steve snapped. The agent looked away, moving his eyes between Steve and me.

'Oh my God, Pierce is gonna kill me.'

'What then?' I yelled. Sam grabbed the back of the agent's shirt collar. It didn't take telepathy to know that he was afraid of the super soldier and the mutant girl standing in front of him, demanding answers to the algorithm that could potentially kill millions.

'Then the INSIGHT helicarriers scratch people off the list... a few million at a time.'

We were in a small car, travelling down the highway. Sitwell, Natasha and I sat in the back, while Steve and Sam sat up the front.

'HYDRA doesn't like leaks,' Sitwell said.

'Then why don't you try sticking a cork in it?' Sam interjected, looking at him through the rear-view mirror.

'INSIGHT's launching in six hours. We're cutting it a bit close here,' Natasha said, leaning over to Steve.

'I know. We'll use him to bypass the DNA scans and access the helicarriers directly.'

'Are you crazy? That is a terrible, terrible idea!' Just then something, or someone, attacked the vehicle, smashing the window next to Sitwell and throwing him into the line of oncoming cars on the other side. I watched in horror as Sam tried to stop him, but to no avail. We had skidded to a stop and watched in front of us as the feared Winter Soldier rose to his feet and looked at us through goggles and a mask that hid most of his features, except for his wild brown hair. I tried to get into his mind, but was pushed out quickly.


'What is it, Adelaide?'

'I can't get inside his head. Whomever messed him up did it real good. He's got more mental walls than I can put up in a lifetime.' Natasha aimed her gun at the Winter Soldier, but a car suddenly smashed into us from behind and she lost her grip on the gun. It rolled under Steve's seat. By now the smashing had intensified and the back of the car was damaged significantly. Sam drove forward, but the super soldier catapulted over the back of the vehicle, then smashing his metal arm through the windshield, he grabbed the steering wheel and jerked it out of the car, leaving us with nowhere to go.

'Shit!' Sam yelled. Just then the vehicle hit the concrete barrier and began to flip. Steve, taking quick action, grabbed the three of us and smashed his door with his shield, causing it to break off of its hinges.

'Hang on!' he yelled and we fell through, hanging onto the door for dear life. Sam rolled off of the door first, with Nat and I still clutching onto Steve and the door. We all stood and then the fight ensued. Multiple men that appeared to be on the Winter Soldier's side helped in aiding to kill the four of us. I ran for the Winter Soldier first and launched a series of attacks on him. After a few blows, I managed to crack his glasses. Looking around, I noticed that only Sam was with me.

'Go! Find Steve. I've got this.' I grabbed a gun from an unconscious soldier and before I flew off with my wings, the Winter Soldier looked at me. His eyes were all too familiar, but I didn't dare to believe that it was him... that this monster was him. Flying off, I went to get Steve.

The fight was at large now. More smashing and shooting. Running over to a car, I could see Natasha there, clutching her shoulder, hurt.

'Adelaide!' she gasped out.

'Nat! Are you okay?' I checked the wound briefly. 'If you don't get attention soon, you're going to bleed out. I'll ice the wound just to make sure you don't bleed too much.' I iced over the wound carefully, but just then the Winter Soldier was there. He was about to launch himself towards me, but Steve was on the move and challenged him directly. Flexing my wings again, I flew towards Steve and the Winter Soldier and helped Steve fight him. The fight kept going for a few more minutes until we began to gain the upper hand on the Winter Soldier. During the fight, I made a move on him that immediately disconnected the mask. He fell and rolled a certain distance from me and then stood, looking back at us. 'Bucky?' Steve asked.

'Who the hell is Bucky?' he asked, his face stone cold and his ocean-blue eyes devoid of any emotion. He began to come towards me, but then there was a sound of sirens and the screech of wheels. Several STRIKE agents jumped out with guns.

'Drop the shield, Cap! Get on your knees! Get on your knees! Get down! Get down! Get on your knees!' They forced the four of us to the ground. 'Down! Don't move!' They put a power-restraining collar on my neck and cuffs on my wrists. Sam and Steve looked like they wanted to protest, but I motioned with my head to stop them. The motion was too much and I winced from the pain of the electric shock that I recieved from the collar. I felt a gun pressed to my head.

'Put the gun down!' Brock Rumlow hissed at the STRIKE agent. 'Not here. Not here.' They pulled me up, as well as Natasha, Steve and Sam and put us into separate vehicles.

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