A Deal is a Deal

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Valentinos POV
"Voxy~" I said to make him mad cause he knew what was coming "what do you want Val"Says Vox annoyed "Well do you remember our bet?"
I said "Ok what is it you want Val, you won I get it what is it you wa-" "Well Voxy I've been feeling horny lately and I don't want that taken away by some Whore I want something else" I look at Vox who seems Confused "Ok so you want like a dildo or somethin? I'll get it for you" "I forgot how much of an Idiot you are Vox" I quickly go on top of him on my heart shaped bed and start kissing him "Val what the f-ahhh~" "Found it didn't I" I had lowered my head to where I was kissing, biting, and licking his neck "Mhmmm~...your a bitch you know that" says very Flustered Vox "Quite yes I do" I brung back up my head to say in his ear seductively "But I'm the bitch that's gonna pound into you mercilessly" I stop leaning back up to looks down to see whinning Vox "Why'd you stop?"" Because I want you to go into the closet and find what I put in there for you I'll be waiting here just don't take to long~" in just a matter of minutes while I was on my phone I feel something lay on top of me I look and see Vox in the Bunny costume I bought a couple of days ago "Looks perfect on you~" "Hey umm Val" "Yes toots~" " don't go to hard please" "Can't promise anything Sweetheart but what I can do is make sure you enjoy it" "Alright then I'm ready"
And right before I was about to start "Hey Val me and my friends are here we decided to stay here for a wh-oh my god I'm sorry" "Angel what have I said about knocking" I say annoyed "SORRY" Says angel then quickly closes the door and right after that I'm implanting hickeys all over Voxs body "Val~" well I just found out something new... Vox is unusually sensitive. We then had a night We would remember
Couple hours later
I then wake up too Vox waking me up saying we missed the important meeting and complaining that his ass hurt "I said to be Gentle!" "And then you said while I was thrusting to go faster and harder sweet cheeks" I said back to him making him blush furioushly "Now you do know were going to be in big trouble for this right we didn't show up to the meeting" "I know I know hopefully Luci wouldn't mind this one" I said trying to calm Vox down "Alright I'm going back to sleep then" he said cuddling into my chest "Alright Honey Im gonna do the same"
477 words I'm proud of myself I actually decided to write well bye bye then

{A deal is a deal}Vox x ValentinoWhere stories live. Discover now