6) Pack Bonding Prt. 3

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Hale Pack House
(Same Night/Downstairs)

Peter- Following Derek downstairs I walk into the spacious living room, standing in the doorway for a few moments as I access where everyone is sitting. (Derek and Stiles are on the first loveseat. Coura and Allison are on the second love seat. Malia, Kira, Scott, Lydia, Jackson and Erica are all on the couch. Liam and Theo are on one of the chairs. Ethan, Danny, Aiden and Isaac all sit on the floor between the furniture) Walking over to the other free chair, I sit down and situate Harlow comfortably on my lap. (Rolls Eyes) Derek and Stiles are whispering while all the pups slowly get up and inch their way towards us.

Stiles- I make a gesture to Peter. "Over here."

Peter- (Huffs) Glancing down at the girl in my arms, I carefully get back up and walk over to the loveseat where our Pack Alpha and Luna sit as I sit back down once more.

Derek- (Smirks) I shift getting more comfortable as I rest my arm over the back of the couch behind my mate.

Stiles- I lean back into my mate, turning to face Peter and the petite girl. (Smiles Brightly) "I'm so happy for you both and this..." I gesture between the two. "Is so, so good and is great to help you heal." The pups all cuddle at our feet admiring the petite girl without questing what I'm talking about.

Harlow- I snuggle in my daddies hold as I watch every move my Pack makes. (Giggles Softly)

Peter- (Hums Softly) Narrowing my eyes at the pups, I kiss my daughters temple.

Stiles- (Claps Excitedly) "Let's watch that movie now!"

Derek- (Snorts) I live to see the little things that excite my mates and pups, as they say 'Happy wife, happy life!'

3rd Person P.O.V- The mutually agreed upon movie is put on as the Pack climbs into a pile of blankets, laying in a puppy pile with their limbs entwined.

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