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Dark clouds continued to roll across the sky, and and the deep thunder came closer and closer by the minute. By then, Jess helped Ross pack everything back away in the basket, and they were crossing the field to get back home to their village.

About 100 or so feet in front of them, and large thunderbolt pierced the air and struck the ground, singing all of the grass around it within a 2-feet radius. Max and Jess both immediately squeaked in terror and jumped. Ross leaped behind a nearby tree, quivering.

"Pfft, are you guys scared of it or somethin'? It's just the weather!" Sky mocked. It had scared him too, but he had too much pride to show it.

"N-no!" Jess protested. "It just suprised me." She folded her arms angrily, trying not to show how much she was shaking.


"I'm serious!"

"Sure you are."

"C'mon, you guys, we gotta get home before the rain comes. ' Jin said, already starting to walk. The rain was already starting to come down in a thin drizzle.

Jess looked up at the sky, the clouds were a dark grey, even almost a... reddish color. That was weird. But her 10-year old mind didn't think much into it.

The 5 kids continued to walk across the field. They had almost made it back to the outskirts of town,  when,


Lightning crackled and struck down again, but that wasn't like last time. This lightning looked red, as well. What was going on? Was she seeing things? She rubbed her eyes, but the picture was still a vivid image in her mind. It was blood-red. She couldn't shake that eerie feeling.

Well, she was right. It was wrong.

Because behind it, instead of just burning the grass around it, a dark red smoke cloud and ominous particles were in its place. It looked like some sort of... potion.

And when the smoke finally cleared out,

10's of Shadow Knights took it's place, swords drawn, licking their lips for the sweet taste of innocent blood.



Sorry if this one was a bit short- its 6 in the morning and I'm supposed to be going to school soon. Lmk what you think is gonna happen! (you probably already know my the disc. but ey-)

Cya later!

~Deception~ (Evil Aphmau AU)Where stories live. Discover now