Chapter 2

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I woke up Saturday morning to the sound or tapping on my window
I got up and looked to see what it was it was my best guy friend Nathan throwing rocks at my window
My parents were gone and the door was locked so he couldn't get in I got up and opened the door for him

Nathan had blonde hair and brown eyes
He was tall but not that much taller than me
He kinda liked the MAGCON boys but not as much as me
He would talk about them only around me but that was it
Nathan usually wore SnapBacks or beanies and he loved vans

He said hi Olivia ur looking hot today
I was wearing my nashty shirt with my black beanie and some black vans
I had on some black shorts also

I knew he liked me
I liked him too but I had trouble expressing my feelings
I flipped my hair and said thank you I know😉
I asked him what he was doing here he said don't u remember I'm taking you to see you're dumb movie
I said the fault in our stars is not stupid..
He said it a chick flick why not go to like Annabelle or something
I said u know I hate scary movies
He said ohhhh yea ur a scardy cat
I looked at him and said NO IM NOT!!!!!!! And tackled him to the ground
He looked at me and said ur stronger than u look
I know I said now u know never to mess with me😂
he yelled boo and it scared me and I jumped
I playfully punched him on his shoulder
I said lets go I don't wanna be late
We're seeing the fault in our stars and that's final
Nathan said fine whatever u want

We arrived at the movie theatre and bought our tickets I turned around and saw Cameron Dallas standing behind me
I stood frozen staring at him... I thought it was a dream or I was seeing things
Nathan came over and asked what was wrong
I stood pointing at Cameron Dallas and he said oh god please don't fan girl over him again...
It was too late I ran over and started hugging him. But it didn't feel like I was hugging a person
I stepped back and noticed it was just a cardboard cut out which was advertising his new movie expelled
My heart dropped and I immediately turned red because everyone was staring and laughing at me
Nathan took my arm and we headed over to theater 4 where tfios was about to start

When the movie was over I looked over at Nathan and saw a tear rolling down his cheek..
I said were u crying? He said noooooo wiping the tear away
He said lets go and stood up quickly trying to play it off

When we got in the car I turned the music up to 75 when I noticed Shawn MENDES show you was on the radio me and Nathan sang together he was defiantly the bestest guy friend I could ask for...

Nathan brought me home and we hung out for a little while watching sponge bob and doing random shit
He had to go home it was about 6:30 and I hadn't eaten dinner
I made myself some cereal because that's the only thing I can make without ruining it
I turned on the tv and saw High school musical was on Disney channel I remembered I loved those movies when I was younger so I watched it singing along to the songs..
Then the tv announcer said don't go away well be back with more high school musical don't go away
I left because nobody tells me what to do and got a bowl of cookie dough ice cream and came back
There were so many commercials and then all of the sudden THE SHAWN MENDES WAS ON MY TV!
I got up and spilled my ice cream all over and sang life of the party with himand ran around my house screaming
The commercial ended and hsm was back on and I was calm again
I drifted off to sleep and woke up to an oovoo call from Julie
She was screaming and we fang irked for what seemed like an hour
Then she had to go and so did I
I went to bed and immediately dreamt about Cameron Dallas again (like always)

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