Meeting with the Source

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February 15th, 1577 ~

"Sir Akaiittou, you've done such a wonderful job protecting the Lord these last few years. It's almost like you are an entirely different person; from when we first met."

Ken'maru, the retainer that Kai met for the first time; five years ago, spoke with a strong air of respect hovering over his every word. He had grown to truly respect Kai, and he became one of Kai's closest friends.

"I told you, you can refrain from being so formal. Please just call me Kai, Ken. We are friends, not servant and master."

Kai could never get used to being called sir, lord, or having any such honorifics added to his name. He also couldn't get used to people calling him Akaiittou.

"I'm sorry, sir. I mean Kai.. I can't help it." Ken'maru looked embarrassed as he spoke; he was so used to calling those ranked above him, sir or lord.

Kai sighed and shook his head. No matter what he said; Ken'maru wouldn't change the way he addressed him, and honestly it really didn't bother him. He just wished people would call him Kai, over Akaiittou.

"So what made you rush in here earlier? You seemed like you were in a hurry to see me."

Kai asked, as he turned his attention fully towards Ken'maru. It wasn't like him to rush anything, unless it was absolutely important.

"Oh, that's right. I have something for you."

Ken'maru rustled through the bag on his left waist, searching for something deep within it. Once he grasped it, he smiled and pulled out a letter of some kind. The first thing Kai noticed, was the unique seal which took up half the front of the letter.

"A letter? Who's it from?"

Ken'maru nodded and then shrugged as he went to hand the letter to Kai.

"I have no idea. I've never seen a seal like this one before, but I assume it's someone important. Only those with great wealth and power have seals this elaborate."

Kai took the letter and looked it over with curiosity. The envelope was normal enough, but the seal was very refined. It looked like a crest of some kind, with a dragon etched in the direct center, surrounded by a mysterious coat of arms.

"Hmmm.." Kai said, as he slipped his finger under the seal and broke it open. He flipped the envelope open, pulled out the letter, and started to read it slowly.

 He flipped the envelope open, pulled out the letter, and started to read it slowly

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Kai's eyes could barely believe what he was reading; it almost seemed like fantasy. Then again, this person knew that he'd appeared through both time and space; to a place unknown to him.

He folded the letter back up and placed it in the envelope, then looked back towards Ken'maru; before speaking.

"Where did you get this letter?"

Ken'maru replied with a confused look on his face.

"The delivery man brought it, like usual. Why?"

Kai looked a bit disappointed in the answer he was given, but he quickly changed the subject without responding to Ken'maru's question.

"Get my horse ready, immediately! I have to go somewhere."

~ 20 Minutes later ~

Kai arrived at the cemetery and casually he looked around. In the letter he received; there was a passage that read.

"You will find the next step of your journey; in a place where only the dead may rest."

To him, the only place that could be, was the cemetery; where the dead were laid to eternal rest.

Only few minutes after arriving at the cemetery; a mysterious humming sound began to echo from seemingly all around him. He frantically spun around, trying to find the source; but he could not figure out where the sound was originating from. Seconds later, there was a large flash of bright light; so bright that it caused him to close his eyes in response. Suddenly and violently, the entire world seemed to shake and rattle, and just as quickly as it started; it suddenly stopped. Kai opened his eyes, only to find himself in an entirely new place. Yet again, confusion rushed in quickly. Where was he now?

Looking around him; all he could see was trees. He was now in a forest, some place and some time away from where he came from. What could this forest be, and what was waiting for him inside? He slipped his hand to his side and sighed in relief when he grasped the hilt of his katana.

"Thank the Lord, I still have my sword."

As he spoke; a mysterious energy surged around the hilt of his blade, and directly into him. The energy felt familiar, and comforting; but he had no idea what it was, or where it even came from. At least not yet..

It wouldn't be long before he found out; for his next challenge was actively searching for him at this very moment, with the sole intent to kill.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2021 ⏰

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