~a hikaru hitachiin love story~O(∩_∩)O

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himeka's POV (June 20)←_←

hikaruuuuuuu and kaoruuuuuuuu!!!! give me back my cellphone and you know I can't live without it •﹏•

bwahahaha!not if we can go to your house(⊙o⊙),they said in unison

okay,okay,fine you can go to our house,I stand defeated

promise!!hikaru asked

yes I promise!!! so can u please give me back my cellphone? I murmured

here catch, kaoru throwed my cell

*me murmuring *-


oh how rude of me my name is himeka touchi and I'm a freshmen here at ouran academy O(∩_∩)O


I told you before if you don't want to wake hunny~senpai up you have to keep quiet! I here kyouya-senpai complain

why is everyone afraid of him besides he's cute when he sleeps ?I asked

well,it's because his type "AB" and he has desame blood type as kyouya,I hear the club king whisper through my ear

so,what's wrong with type AB anyway, I hear kyouya squeel

yeah,and I'm type AB but I'm nothing like kyouya,I complain

then I saw kyouya glare at me!huhuhuhuhu......scary*shivering *-

but right before the twins were going to prank something again

I here a creek at the door and there stood a boy I mean no girl cause I can see through her that her eyes looks like a girl and she was wearing a boy outfit, she has pale skin and wears big glasses.she looks cute......uhm!what I mean to say is she's cute when she wears that glasses not cute as in I have a crush on her or anything hahaha!

but before she could say something I hear tamaki murmuring about something like she was a hero to other Commoners jeez,if I was at her place I would slap him in the face and lecture him how it's rude to say those words ::>_<::

oh hello!my name is himeka touchi and what's your name ?I asked her

my name is haruhi fujioka nice to meet you!she replied

hey haruhi by any chance are you a girl?I whispered

yeah bu.....before she could speak tamaki cut her off and said

are you gay?if you are would you preffer the..boy lollita type?he pointed at hunny~senpai,the silent type?he pointed at mori-senpai,the cool type?he pointed at kyouya-senpai,the little devil type?he pointed at the hitachiin twins, or would you rather prefer me the princely type?he asked

bwahahaha!as if she would prefer an idiot king like you!!!!>///< I whispered to myself

I saw haruhi walking backwards when suddenly I saw the vase going to fall then I tried to catch it but no luck,it broke into pieces.

while I stood up straight I saw my hands covered with blood but I didn't seem to care cause it doesn't hurt a bit.~T_T~

hime-chan your hurt!,I saw hunny-senpai frown

oh don't worry it doesn't hurt they don't call me the brave himeka for nothing right?! and hey don't be sad ,if you won't stop that frowning I won't give you some cake -_-

okay,but I'm gonna tell hika-chan that you got hurt okay!I hear him say

no yo.......but before I could speak he ran to hikaru and told what happened then the last thing I knew he called kaoru and they both ran towards me!,awww I feel the love ,I slightly said to myself o(^^o)

himeka let us see your hand!hikaru said worrying

I'm okay it's just blood anyway and it doesn't even hurt! I slightly said

then my hand was lifted by kaoru then he put some bandage around my hand,he told hikaru that someone should bring me to the clinic and hikaru nodded,hikaru told me to follow him to the clinic and I nodded.

~an hikaru hitachiin love story O(∩_∩)O~Where stories live. Discover now