Chapter One: Death Continued

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Some people might find this hard to believe, but believe it or not there is actually one emotion that connects us all...fear. It's been passed down to each of us through our ancestors and only continues to grow with each passing day.  Although we are connected by fear, each of us have different fears; which only makes us even more unique. One person could be deathly afraid of spiders and heights whereas another person could easily stand above a ravine covered from head to toe in baby spiders. For some, such as myself, we would rather die then have to go through something like that...but would we really?

I believe everyone is afraid of dying, even if it is just a little. Sure, some of us say that we aren't afraid of anything but that is only arrogance talking. People say that death is a natural thing, but is it really? What actually lays beyond this life? Could there be more or do we simply just stop exsisting? Is there really a god? I guess that is where faith comes in, but there are still questions to be asked there as well. Is there really a god and if so, which one is it? How can there be so many religons claiming their god is the real god, when there has been no legitamate proof of any of them exsisting at all? Sure Christans have the bible and Muslims have the Torah, but is that really proof?

Listen, I am not here to denouce your god or say that all religons are false. I am a believer myself, I'm just not afraid to question the possabilites of other things exsisting. I am an open minded soul who is willing to accept the fact that there may or may not be a place for me to go in the afterlife. People die every day over religon, it is one of those constant fears that people live through everyday. Who are we to afflict pain and hardship on others for not believeing in the same things we do? As a matter of fact, aren't we supposed to be leaders and help guide other peope into our said religon instead of pushing them out? The goal is to convert people, not damn them to hell for all eternity. I believe this is where fear comes in. Why would you need to push someone out if you weren't afraid of something happening for letting them in?

If you are offended by any of this, then by all means please stop reading now. This book is about what it is like to be human. It is in our human nature to question things we don't understand and in my defence I am questioning death; not religon. 

"I am afraid"- K.O

I am afraid of dying 

I am afraid of dying, trying, and crying

Living and lying-

in the ground with no where to go but downwards. 

or upwards.

And what if I stay?

Do I pray to be saved by a person who made a lame man walk in a day?

He made a lame man walk, a mute girl talk, and blind man see the sky

Who am I to question these things when it's not even my time?

You ask, "Who am I to question God's word?" 

I reply, "I only want to learn.

To know if I should stop and live, or wait to burn?"

I yearn to know the answer. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2020 ⏰

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