𝐨𝐧𝐞 | 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡

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     "Cottonkit... Cottonkit!" Soft, warm light flooded Cottonkit's vision as he cracked open his eyes. Grasses tickled his nose from where he lay, tucked safely in a feather and moss nest. He picked his head up to see who had called him, and let out a small mew of hello as he recognized the dark form enter his den. Hollydapple. The charcoal she-cat entered the small bush that he called home, laying down next to him. She brought with her a sweet scent and a soft light seemed to glow from her. Her tongue rasped over his snowy fur, fixing it straight. "It's time to wake up, little one."

      "G'morning, Hollydapple...!" the tiny tom let out a large yawn, his body shaking with the effort. His own pelt emit a slight glow, and speckles of white light were caught in his fur. The older she-cat had been looking after him since he could remember, but once his eyes had opened she had been sure to tell him she was not his mother. And that Mother is very far away. She's stuck in the Below! Cottonkit sighed and picked his head up to look at Hollydapple's face. He blinked brightly, his eyes still a newborn kit blue, and not yet developed into his grown eye color.

      "You know, in the Below, my kits never let me groom their fur, they always complained!" Hollydapple reminisced. Cottonkit purred and leaned into the she-cat as she groomed him.

      "I like it though! ...Hey, how many kits did you have in the Below? Why don't they come and see me like you come see me?" He fired off questions and she waved her feathery tail.

       "Now, I've told you, Cottonkit. Cats who live in the Below can't see or talk to us here in StarClan. They have to live there until one day when they get to come to StarClan."

      "When's that day? I wanna meet your kits; I haven't met any other kits!"

      "You haven't met any other kits because you've been too young! Besides, my kits are apprentices now, so they're too big to play with you," she gave him a lick behind the ears and she gave him a thoughtful look. "I think you're old enough now, though! Today's the day when they give you your special job." His ears pricked at this, and his short tail flicked with happiness.

      "Really?!" He stood up shakily, his legs still too young to properly propel him.

      Hollydapple nodded warmly, her green eyes closing as she did.

      "Mmhmm! Chaffinchstar decided what your special job will be this morning." Hollydapple stood up.

      "Your special job is to look after me, right?" The dark she-cat nodded, padding slowly alongside the tom kit as the exited the bush den. Tall, lush golden grass met them, dotted with white flowers and glowing with stardust. A clear trail led away from the grass den, parting the flowery field. The sun wasn't exactly present, but the warm feeling and a soft, welcoming daylight took it's place. The sky still shown with stars along the peachy colored backdrop.

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