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    "...It was really strange. Acaciapaw went to cheer up Pecanwhisker, but Pecanwhisker pretended like nothing was wrong and she was perfectly fine. Acaciapaw fell for it, but I could feel the sadness on Pecanwhisker. She was miserable... I can't believe Camphorwind would hurt them like that!" Cottonpaw narrowed his eyes at the last part.

    "That's terrible," Hollydapple murmured. The sleek white apprentice nodded in agreement. The pair stopped as the older she-cat raised her tail, nodding ahead. A lone, white-furred rabbit sat in a small clearing in the starry field, nibbling at some clovers. "Remember what you learned from Camelliaheart's lessons to Acaciapaw in the Below," she whispered. Cottonpaw nodded, his eyes not leaving the rabbit. He dropped low and stalked forward like he had practiced alongside the apprentices so many times before in the Below. Try and get as close as you can. There were several taillengths between him and the rabbit when it's ear twitched and it's black eyes noticed the young tom. It broke out into a frantic dash, and Cottonpaw hared after it. The creature veered left and right trying to shake him off, but the tom was able to keep up thanks to the rigorous training he endured alongside Acaciapaw. He bunched his muscles and pushed all of his strength into his last stride, pushing him close enough to hook the rabbit's hind leg and bring it to a stop. It stopped moving as he bit it's neck, and dragged the creature back to Hollydapple.

    "You kept up really well, Cottonpaw! You're a natural ZephyrClan hunter. I'm not fast enough to catch rabbits, but I can catch any fish I set my eyes on," she admitted. Cottonpaw lit up with a smile, his aura radiating a bit stronger with the happiness in his chest at the compliment.

    "Thanks, Hollydapple...!" The pair settled down to eat the rabbit. Though their stomaches did not rumble in StarClan, many of the residents still enjoyed to eat the tasty meals that were abundant in their land. "Hey, you should teach me to fish some day. I know a lot about ZephyrClan's culture, but I wanna learn about your culture, too!" He chirped as he bit into the flesh. A purr rumbled in Hollydapple's chest, and the faint glow radiating from her now tinged with green.

    "I'll teach you all about BrookClan's fishing techniques, and how to swim while we're at it!" Cottonpaw's tail flicked back and forth with excitement and he nodded brightly. The continued to eat in silence before he piped up again.

    "Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you; I was able to help Acaciapaw in a cool way. She was having a bad dream, and I was able to send her visions of StarClan and then she dreamed she was hunting here!" Hollydapple stopped, her eyes widening with disbelief.

    "Cottonpaw, that's amazing! Not many Guardians can pass visions on like that! Usually they can just leave impressions on cats, to persuade emotions or actions, and even then it's usually only on the cat they're connected to."

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