This is Hierarina...

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   I wondered how far was Hierarina from The Oasis? It's sorta near by... only 50 miles away! That was closer than I expected. I put my map in my backpack and hopped on Ruby and staring my way to Hierarina.

Bri Pov

"Any clue where we could find Austin?" "I had a vision last night where there were 2 pedal stools with Gems on them... I saw Austin then everything went black then the pedal stools were empty." I said... " Bri, I think I know where you are talking about where there a yellow gem and a orange gem?" "Yes?" "Follow me!" Michael took off into the right direction with Me & Ritchie following. When we where there we felt a odd whimsical, and mysterious presence. Michael and Ritchie couldn't get up there easily like I could. " I will see if it's worth while, Okay?" "We understand" said, Michael. Once I flew up I saw 2 pedal stools and red carpet leading to them. On the wall you could see a proficiency:
A boy with one boy there both growing up. One is killed while growing up he saved his little brother at 10. The brother made a mask a fake one at that. He went to a camp where he met his lover, and Parent figures. He will rewrite his path. In a vision so loud in clear a power from an axe will be his fear. He will summon his god side in go on a quest. His friend will come and Θα θυσιάσει για τους φίλους του. Θα πεθάνει ή θα ζήσει αυτό που λένε οι θεοί σου.

I stumbled back a bit. Why an axe? "Ritchie come up here with Michael!" Ritchie had flew him self and Michael up. They saw the pedestals and the prophecy behind it. "Do you know anyone who specializes in reading Latin?" "What ever it is we better follow him!" "Michael I know, and Bri no..."  Ritchie said, "Take some axis of that dust and mix it with this map. Now it won't be ask good but it will lead us to him. Okay?"

Austin's POV
I jumped off my Dragon ready for the "Hopkinsville Goblins to lead me to the Hecatoncheires.." They were short.... It was a grey looking fellow. It lead me to the Hecatoncheires Den. The Hecatonchires were extremely large and incredibly strong giants, each having one hundred arms and fifty heads.
These three monsters were the offspring of Gaia and Uranus. They were named Briareus, Cottus and Gyges... These Ones not to be taken lightly. Banished into the depths of Tartarus and guarded by the creature Campe. I grabber by sword and began to start fighting it. Left Right... Right Left... Jump shoot.

Michael's training is sure coming in handy. Sure I was banged up after killing them. I just knew I had rest up for tomorrow. Before heading out I took one last look at the body then left. I found this home to stay for the night. It looked run down...  Oh well thank the gods I am a light sleeper. I took a nap and woke up by a (Horse's head and hind quarters, front legs and body of a lion) Leucrocuta I followed her.... The Leucrocuta is an extremely speedy! So it let me take a ride on it's back. We were at the Orthrus layer at walked in sleep deprived and was hopeful was going to come out alive! I kept Ruby inside in a little neckless I could wear. I got my sword ready in my hand ready to go in.

*Step* *Step* *Step*

No one's POV
Bri flew down only seeing a dead body of the Hecatoncheires those were really hard to defect did Austin do this? They would soon find out by seeing little bits of his clothing everywhere. You could see the monsters blood since it was black and Austin's since it was red...

Bri's POV

It smelled and looked pretty fresh. We followed the map towards a lair... We came to see a beat up Austin. Fighting for his life alone with this beast. Austin saw us and was immediately knocked against a wall. "Ugh! Get out of here!" He looked at us getting up then blocked the monsters attack. He had his panda hat on along with his old clothes. We rush down to help. Overgrowth! Austin used most of his fire and power on it no where to run except fight... The monster looked have dead and Me, Michael, and Ritchie did as well. Austin looking so beat up put him behind his back and  put his arms in front of us. His shield broken his armor broke. The monster took one last hit at Austin and the monster died. Austin coughed up blood his eye was bleeding. Austin fell to the ground all bloody. I used my magic healing circle but it didn't help. Michael cut off the monsters head and put it away. Ritchie and Michael and I were around Austin. The arrogant, lovable son of Apollo.

|||| Later at camp ||||

Austin laying in the bed motionless everyone hoping for a miracle to happen. Mitch gave us some heath potions that was not enough. Everyone contribute to keep him alive. Until we saw to butterfly's and the pink one said, "I am sorry his is gone! We have tried everything Me, Hermes, Apollo, and Athena. I am so sorry shshhhhhshhhhh... I will talk to you soon again sweetie."

"M-Mom?! Austin's dead!" Bri started to cry about her love being gone. Bri ran to Austin dead body and hugged him tightly.

"Goodbye son, We all love you very much." The yellow butterfly said in a sad voice.

"Come on time to go Apollo and Aphrodite we must meet him in purgatory" The purple butterfly said.

" Athena! I am trying to comfort my daughter!"

"M-mom?!" Michael mumbled still crying tears down his face.

"Yes, I love you son WE have to go now." All the butterflies flew away.

"We will miss you my cub" Michael said hugging Austin.

          The alternative ending...

Austin laying in the bed motionless everyone hoping for a miracle to happen. Mitch gave us some heath potions Austin had some. It was around 2:00am everyone left except me, Ritchie and Michael. We had brought sleeping bags do we could stay with Austin all the time. We all fell asleep then at 2:30am we heard a small creek in the bed we thought it was nothing. Until we heard pills being picked up and put down. We gotten up immediately then saw Austin trying to find some pain killers. "H-Hi Mamma Bear, Dada Bear and Bri. I have to tell you I might be blind in one of my eyes. Hopefully it can be cured."

We all ran up to him and hugged him. We were all happy he was alive! " What did you mean by to change my destiny?"

"I mean a red axe in his vision and everyone dead. It was fight or kill people you love Aka I become evil." Then the god side of Austin disappeared.

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Have a Amazing, Wonderful, Magical Day/Night/Afternoon/ Sunrise/ Sunset! :3 Till next time!
- Your pal WhyCallMeKate
P.S Keep up the good work! You are all Beautiful in your own way! Do your online school tomorrow K? Okay!
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