recalling past

36 2 0

Ruyi's POV

"Sweetie, look here." mommy cooed while holding her Nikon camera up across the table.

I giggled while simultaneously nibbling on my french fries held onto me by  daddy.
" My cutie pie ruuuuyi....look at mommy." Mommy sing sang again trying her best to gain my attention.

I however didn't sway towards her, instead cheerfully bobbed my head left and right gibbering nothing's.

Seeing my reluctance, daddy who was holding me in his lap gently lifted my baby chin and asked me with a small smile lingering in his lips ," ruyi, are you a big girl?."

I bobbed my head up and down enthusiastically,"yes!, I am a BIG GIRL daddy!!!"

"So how about my dear ruyi listen to mommy and say cheese?"

I screamed "cheese" at the top of my lungs showing my missing front two teeth.

A flash appeared and a  click heard.
The flash reflected onto the glass pane of the window adjacent to our table.

"Perfect." Mommy smiled brightly.

Suddenly  the clouds became dark and began crowding with each other creating a dense feel in the sky. A thunderbolt
broke from the sky followed by the strike of  lightening . The roaring of the thunder made me huddle next to daddy closer almost squeezing him out of breath. I linked my small hands over daddy's neck resting my chubby face on his shoulder.

"Let's get going, I think it's going to rain." daddy said suddenly.

Mommy stood and collected her bag. Daddy held me out for mommy to hold me while he went to the counter to pay.

Mommy moved  closer to the glass window with me on her hip. By this time, the rain was pouring in pitter patter creating a rhyming sound on the metallic roof of the cafe.
Mommy   placed her forehead  against the glass window and I too mirrored her actions. There were many rain droplets  on the window pane creating an unusual pattern of  mist to cover it.

Coolness seeped through the glass to my forehead giving me a mild tremble.

Mommy smiled at me and embraced me tightly.


I felt it.

It came from mommy.
The warmth of love.

Mommy sighed . It created a mist on the glass.
I gasped! 
Mommy smiled at me again and brought her index finger to the mist and drew a love pattern on it . She also drew an arrow across it .

I watched my mommy with wonder.

"Alice, honey?."

"Yes, Phil."

"Let's go." Said daddy.

I turned my head one last time, to look at the pattern which was slowly fading away.

We stepped out of the cafe. Daddy held out his  umbrella for me and mommy.

Since the umbrella wasn't large enough to fit all three of us , I saw daddy getting wet on half of his body which was lying outside the umbrella.

We reached our car. Daddy opened the passenger door for mommy .

Mommy got in with me. She placed me on her lap. She frantically ran her hands on my head,  patting my hair, to get  rid of any  rain drops.

Daddy got on the driver's seat. He started the engine. The car started to move down the muddy  road filled with  puddles.

The car was jerking up and down occasionally because of the puddles. I was escalated! Wow! I started laughing!!

Daddy grinned at me and we shared a  hi-fi.

"Hun', eyes on the road" mommy complained gently.
However I was enthusiastically bouncing on mommy's lap waiting for the next puddle to comeby.

However, after some distance , the road smoothened as we got on the highway.

I pouted seeing the straight road.

"No fun!", I murmured disappointingly.

Mommy turned to me and placed a kiss on my forehead. Then she laid her chin on my head.

After a while, I fell asleep with the pitter patter of the rain lulling me to a nap.


I shook awake!!

A fuel truck  was coming in our direction.

" HONEY! DUCK LEFT!! " mommy screamed.

Daddy turned the stearing to the left causing us to hit the guard-rails surrounding a huge pit.

The guard-rails were acting as a barrier from letting us fall into that huge pit.


The guard-rails weren't strong enough to withstand such an impact that it began to move backwards toward the pit.

The front of our car was jammed with the guard rails therefore we too began moving towards the pit.

Suddenly I was flying in the air!

Mommy threw me out of the window!

"Agh!!!!!!!!!!." I screamed!

A sharp pain exploded on the side of my head when I hit the edge of the road.
"Mo..m..m..y." left my lips.
Black dots came on my vision and my lids closed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2020 ⏰

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