Chapter 018: Find Me Peace

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[Colby's P O V]

Elton's room was a only a few feet away, and my legs never faltered once, not allowing me to neither slow down nor take a break. It was just not the time. Elton was moved into another room hours ago while we were away.

And how stupid of me to even think of leaving his side. Especially when his life was at stake. And so I ran, reading every room number that passed me until I reached the one room I now dreaded seeing.

Elton was there. But that's not all.

My legs came to a slow stop, eyes staring at the lifeless body laying on the ground. Sergeants and doctors were rushing around Elton, yelling orders while pumping his chest.

His face was pale, eyes open but dead-looking, lips gently parted as I hoped air would be filling his lungs. His body was positioned as though he had fallen, and in his hand, a pen was held.

The pen he used to write down the last message he knew he was barley capable of saying to us face-to-face. And so he wrote it down.

But his eyes held so much of nothing. No emotion to express, nor any life to be filled with. He didn't even look as peaceful as anyone would hope. He just looked.. dead.

"We need CPR over here!" A voice shouted. "Ready the emergency room ASAP!" Another shouted. "We're losing him!" And another. Yet they were all muffled sounds to me as I stared at the person I had once called my best friend laying on the ground, dead.

Sam's pleads and sobs were also tuned out as he tugged at my arm, trying to pull me away from the scene he was dreading just as much.

And the door slammed shut.
The tilled floor beneath me had caught my interests to the extreme as I stared down at it. My eyes were red from crying, tears begging to be released again, and throat throbbing as I sobbed.

My knuckles were black and blue from all the punching the wall took from me and blood had coated my fingers and palms as the wounds were deep. Yet never as deep as the wound Elton left in my heart. In all our hearts.

Sam had been snuggled up into me, face evident of heartbreak and disbelief. Corey and Devyn looked and felt just as terrible, drawing back together in comfort.

The realization was heart-slicing. The fact that he was gone was known and had been known the moment I saw his lifeless body laid on the cold, hard ground. I just needed someone to confess that.

So I wouldn't confess it myself.

As my mind got lost in total destruction, the doctor had finally walked over. His face screamed nothing but sympathy and disappointment.

I was too lost to listen to him though. Knowing he was just speaking of Elton's death. I didn't wish to know how. But I had later on learned he had killed himself purposely.

The doctors stated the tubes connected to his arms were ripped out harshly. That would have left him breathing for the most part. But when he fell, his heart jolted dangerously and faltered in its beating.

The doctors knew Elton was in deep pain, though he looked fine to me. But I knew one thing for sure, Elton was gone. And he left us to deal with the rest of the world alone.
I stared down at the envelope in my hand, wondering when the day I'd get to open it will be. By now, I was void of any tears. My eyes were void of any emotion and my blue irises were probably a faint blue color.

My skin was also pale and cold, my hair messed up badly to complete the Sunday posing as the cherry on top. In my hand, I held a bottle of strong alcohol, taking sips every minute or so until my brain could no longer register anything.

Devyn had gone out to see her family as well, looking for the comfort we all need but could not provide, while Corey stayed here with Sam and I. Lost and broken.

"Colbs.." Sam chocked out, gently, forcing out a few words before helping me up and leading me out of the hospital..

Fucking hell Elton.. please be okay.

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