Chapter 1

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Deku's pov

I don't know why Aizawa Sensei brought us to this campground, but everyone else seems to be happy about the break from school. I had packed only the things I truly needed, even double-checked my stuff before leaving this morning. The bus ride to the camp was full of chit chat. I sat in the center of the bus with Uraraka, Iida, and Todoroki. We had only been on the bus for 20 minutes, and already Kacchan had attempted to launch me out the window for sitting in his seat. Thankfully Todoroki got there before Kacchan could do anything.

"Midoriya... Hey, Midoriya, you okay?"

I look up to see Todoroki staring at me. I cover my face to hide my blush. I was thinking about what happened earlier, so I did not hear anything that Todoroki said. Uraraka chuckles at my blush and pokes my cheek.


Todorki sighs slightly, giggling at my muttering, he ruffles my hair a bit like I'm a puppy. I clam down and laugh with them. I end up allowing each of them to take turns patting my head while I pretended to be offended that they were laughing at me. I turn to ask Todoroki what he was saying when I hear a blast from the back of the bus.

"Shitty Hair SHUT THE FUCK UP!"

I glance behind me to see Kacchan wrestling with Kirishima. Kirishima was in a chokehold smirking like a crazy person as Kacchan shrieked profanities at him. Sero attempted to help out but gave up when Kacchan started screaming at him too.

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