The Things He Left Unsaid

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"Sorry, what did you say?"

"Oh, just that he thinks you're...wonderful."

Lacie's eyes lidded. "This is still my brother we're talking about?"

Jack laughed a little. "Definitely."

"Remind me again, how long have you known him?"

"Fine, don't believe me." He hugged his knees, "But I'm pretty good at reading people. He's just...not so much with the words," he said in a deep voice, imitating the one they were talking about. "But I can tell he really cares about you."

Lacie looked at the ground, those red eyes flickering. "How can you tell?"

"Well..." Jack looked up into the sky, thinking. "Your smile." He turned to her, as if appraising that smile...which was not currently present on her face.

"What about my smile?"

"It's sort of..." he traced patterns in the ground, "subtle, and perfect, and real."

She scoffed. "What does this have to do with my brother?"

"See, I've only been around that smile for a little while, but your brother, well ...he's been around it his whole life. I have trouble believing anyone could be around that smile so long and not fall in love with it."


"Let's see...whenever you get bored you escape your tower to watch the stars, dragging innocent boys into your schemes," they both smirked, "and make up lyrics to his songs...What's not to love about that?"

That coerced a smile onto her face. He noticed it, and sat up, continuing.

"He told me about your cooking for him. Like that time you made him a birthday cake."

"So what?"

"He said it..." he swallowed like he didn't want to say anything negative about her, "tasted horrible."


"He still ate it, didn't he?"

She turned to the stream, considering it. "What else? What else did 'my brother' notice about me?"

"Well... if nothing else, there's one I know he notices:" He pushed his hair back behind his ear as a breeze brushed by. "the way you sing and dance. You know, without the rest of the world isn't there."

"Are you sure these aren't all things a certain Vessalius boy thinks about me?"

His face split into a grin. "Quite the mystery isn't it?"

She shoved his shoulder, knocking him, laughing, down into the grass.

"Alright so maybe I can't know all that." He sat back up. "But he does love you. I just...don't think he knows how to tell you." He paused. "You two are worlds apart, really. He, never straying from the rules. You, the unchanging free spirit." he looked at her, then at the ground, like he wasn't supposed to speak the words aloud. "But he does love you."

She watched an ant crawling in the grass.

"Or maybe he notices when you two are talking about him behind his back!" they started as the object of their discussion spoke.

"O-Oswald!" Jack stood up, brushing himself off. "W-we were just talking about..."

His eyes lidded at him, then he turned to Lacie, who smiled sweetly, finishing Jack's attempt at a lie with a too-overt truth.

"How much you looove me."

He rolled his eyes.


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