Chapter 11

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( This chapter also has smut I'll mark where it starts and ends)

It hurt.

Everything hurt.

I couldn’t see and I don’t know where I was. I was scared. It was cold, really cold and damp the air around me felt thick and it had a funny smell like mould. I wanted to move but the pain was so overwhelming I couldn’t it was like my whole body was on fire, the right side of my was pressed up against something cold and slimy I must’ve been laying down on a floor or something. I tried to remember something, anything, about where I was but my head was blank I just couldn’t think straight. Suddenly, I could hear noise in the distance like muffled footsteps walking across a metal floor, fear surged through me was the noise grew closer but I don’t know why, why was I scared? Then the loud sound rang out, squeaking metal filled my ears as light spilled into the darkness my eyes snapping shut tightly. When my eyes used to it my eyelids fluttered open seeing my new surroundings, I was on a floor like I thought it looked disgusting and grimy, my arms weren’t tied down but were sprawled out in front of me I couldn’t feel them though like they weren’t a part of my body. My gaze drifted up to see two men stood in a doorway this light from behind them hiding their features.

“ Get up.” The larger one commanded in a thick German accent, that’s when it hit me. I knew where I was. The air got caught in my throat as I choked up tears salty water falling down my cheeks, I needed to fight, run, anything to get out of here but my body just wasn’t responding to me and all I could do is cry as my body lay motionless on the floor. “ I said get up.” The person command more angrily walking closer to me swinging his foot up before it collided with my stomach the tip if their shoe smashing into it, hard. I let out a strained scream of pain my body curling up in response causing even more pain, a metallic tasting liquid filled my mouth before seeping out the corner of my lips. The excruciating pain had me on the edge of passing out which I would’ve welcomed closing my eyes again, “ Oh no you don’t,” The voice said grabbing my neck and lifting my front part of my body off the floor the sudden lack of air bringing my consciousness back to eyes landing on the now very clear face of my abuser.

“ What should we do with her, Sir,” The other person said from behind the man holding me, the man thought for a while pushing his lips together.

“ Take, IT, to the lab. The doctor wants to run more tests.” He replied releasing my neck sending my body crashing back to the floor with a loud thud. The tallest man stood back up wiping the hand he had held me with on his clothes and muttering something in German with a disgusted look on his face. The other person nodded and mad a motion to someone out of view another much larger man walking in and scooping me up bridal style my left arm flopping down, as he walked out into the light I got a better look at myself. My clothes were bloodied and muddy and the veins in my arms where black, I panicked even more a whimper escaping me as my head rolled to the side me eyes landing on my left shoulder seeing the skin angry, red and blistered. Realising what that was I let out another distorted scream sounding slightly squeaky due to the dryness of my throat, I tried we wriggle free from the mans grip tossing any pain that I was in out the window kicking my legs about.

“ Hold that damn thing still,” The tall man shouted angrily making the one holding me stop in his tracks his gaze lowering to me. The strong man narrowed his eyes at me one hand gripping my upper arm where the burn was and squeezing it, I let out a ear piercing scream and thrashed about even more which made the man even more angry as he let go of my arm and grabbing my right leg jerking it harshly to the side snapping the bone instantly. I opened my mouth to scream but no noise came out, the men carried on walking down the corridor my body going limp in his arms again, my vision was blurred with tears my head falling back over his arm. When we got to the lab I was strapped down to a metal table and of course my leg was left unattended, a man in white coat came into view a long needle presented in his hand my wide eyes watching as it was lowered to my arm.

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