New Book Teaser

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  I drew my wand. Dream and Blue watched nervously from the side as Error also drew his.
  I was nervous. This is my first magic duel. Mother will be so proud. Even if I loose.
  Though that is not my intention.
  "Ladies first." I joked.
  He he'd back a smirk and looked to the ground.
  "Then go." He said.
  I snickered.
  "Iiiink." Dream whined.
  "Sorry- Sorry. It's just funny."
  I cast a confusion spell but he broke through it pretty easily.
  "Is that all you got?" He mocked.
  He cast lightning. I quickly dodged it. Another bolt.
  "Hey! No fair! Sci said lightning spells never strike twice!" I said.
  "Oh cry me a river." He said sarcastically.
  Nightmare rolled his eyes.
  "Hmph. Maybe I will."
  I cast riverus. Water drenched them. That only made Error angry. He cast inferno. I wasn't fast enough to dodge it! I was knocked back...

If you couldn't tell it's like a Harry Potter rip off. Just need a cover and I'll be good.

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