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Atem was feeling this great emptiness inside his chest, threatening to bury his being after Yugi left him many months ago.

The Pharaoh was absolutely heartbroken when he found out that Yugi left, the lotus pin fallen on the ground, reminding him about their night together was not a dream but a reality.

Atem had cried himself to sleep every night, mourning for his lost love, keeping up a facade in the morning, pretending he was fine, that nothing was wrong.

The truth was, he was wondering who Yugi was, his heart torn to shreds at such revelation, but he still hoped and prayed that his beloved would return to him.

Mahad noticed for a while that Atem was losing weight, getting thinner by the day, dark circles under his eyes, making the priest and magician worry for the pharaoh's health. One day, he managed to corner Atem.

"Pharaoh?" Mahad exclaimed in surprise when he caught Atem alone in the hallway, eyes red and puffy.

Atem's eyes widened in alarm, head whipping up to face his guardian, his form tense and his breathing ragged. "O-oh! Hello there Mahad."

Mahad frowned. "My pharaoh, are you well? You don't look good."

A forced smile. "I'm fine.."

"You are not, tell me, what troubles your mind, sire?" Mahad all but demanded.

Atem shook his head and looked away, running a hand through his hair, looking anywhere but Mahad. "I'm fine, really. It's nothing to worry about," he began walking away, perhaps to avoid the other but Mahad would have none of that.

The magician spun Atem around to face him, grabbing him by the shoulders, staring at the pharaoh with frustration in his tone. "You are obviously not fine!" Mahad snapped.

"Stop putting up this show and tell me why you cry and eat less! You barely speak anymore, and sleep less! I'm worried for you, Atem! What is wrong with you?" Mahad hissed, eyes widening when Atem stared at him, ruby red irises holding a confused, pained, and broken look. The magician took a step back at the gaze, feeling his chest clench vengefully.

"You don't understand, Mahad... I can't.." Atem trailed off, voice hitching. He was about to cry again.

"I have to go!"

"Pharaoh, wait!"

It was too late, Atem turned tail and ran, leaving a dumb struck Mahad behind.

"... What happened to you, Atem?"

Isis and the others started noticing slowly that the pharaoh was acting strangely. They had questioned the ruler on what was wrong and what had happened but Atem brushed them all off, saying;

"I'm fine.." and shutting himself out, completely cutting all of his court off.


When Atem saw Yugi again, it was not under a good circumstance. They had met again in the chaos of the battlefield.

Atem was battling against the Thief King, his energy drained from summoning monsters. His court had all fallen, leaving Atem behind to finish the battle.

Akefia laughed haughtily, staring at the battered form of the pharaoh. "Poor, poor, pharaoh. No one's going to save you, you're all alone." The Thief taunted. "How pathetic!"

Atem didn't reply, merely growled at the general direction of the Thief King.

The man snorted and raised a hand, the diadhank on his arm opening as a result. "Now Diabound! Attack and finish this worthless excuse of a king!"

The monster let out a howl, hands coming together to form a ball of energy. It hurled the pure energy to the tired king, Atem closing his eyes, ready to sacrifice himself and accept defeat.


A voice shouted, the figure standing in front of Atem and setting up a forcefield of energy making the malevolent force explode upon impact.

Atem staggered and fell down at the force of the impact, hitting the ground with a groan. He was so tired...

Atem opened his eyes, seeing his world spin and blur. What was going on? His vision cleared slightly for a moment, swearing to himself that Yuugi was standing in front of him, not an illusion, protecting him from Akefia.

"Y..Yugi?" He rasped out, eyes drooping. He wanted to sleep... He was so tired..

Yugi turned to face Atem, pain marring his beautiful eyes it didn't suit the beautiful man at all. "You'll be alright, Atem. Don't worry.."

"What in the name of Ra?!" How dare you stand and stop me from defeating the pharaoh?!" Akefia bellowed.

Yugi's eyes narrowed, the fire of anger burning strong in his eyes at the words the Thief spoke. No one had the right to hurt his pharaoh! His powers flaired and lashed, escaping in wisps of lights, curling around Yugi, his hair and clothes swaying. He then cooed at Atem, making sure to keep his voice gentle and loving. "Sleep now Atem... You're safe, no harm shall come to you... Sleep.."

But Atem did not listen, fighting the creeping darkness threatening to shut down his system. He watched as Yugi turned away from him and transformed into something, a horrible beast that he knew all to well, that his people and guards worship.

Yugi had turned into Sekhmet. His loving and kind beloved had turned into the bloodthirsty warrior lioness.

Atem went limp, his eyes shutting as he welcomed darkness, the last image of his lover transforming the only memory he remembered.


Yami's eyes snapped open as his alarm went off, his hand shooting up to press the off button.

The teenager let out a groan, yawning as he got up and ready for the day. Man, weekdays were hell.

Yami began preparing for the day, taking a shower, dressing himself in his school uniform, and eating his breakfast then brushing his teeth.

'Well, at least I got my homework.' Yami thought in amusement as he spat out the toothpaste and washed his mouth with water.

He bid goodbye to his parents and walked to his school, fifteen minutes away from their home. He was humming to himself to occupy his mind.

The first school bell rang, Yami already in his seat when the teacher arrived as well. He greeted the instructor like the other students and sat down, as the teacher said something, making the students perk up in interest.

"I forgot to announce something, yes? Well, there will be a new student joining us," he turned to the door. "You may come in now."

The door slid open, and in came a boy, the most beautiful male that Yami had ever seen which made his eyes widen in shock.

Why did he look so familiar.

The transferee stood in front of the board and picked up the chalk, writing his name on the board and then turning to the class, eyes scanning every face that stared at him.

When those irises landed on Yami, he swore his heart skipped a bit, and the transferee's eyes had brightened, a smile kissing their lips.

The new student opened his mouth, his eyes bright and his tone cheerful as he spoke.

"Hello everybody, my name is Hathor-Sekhmet, Yugi." He paused and stared to Yami again, grinning.

"It's nice to meet you!"

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