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Everyone has a purpose in life, and mine has been set for me ever since I was born. I was born on the stars and sent to Earth to protect humans. I can understand why they need protecting. I mean they think no life excists beyond their planet. Humans are so ignorant. Most humans are killed by other humans, but the others are killed by these things. Let me expain it to you.

You know those things that are only real in fairy tales. You would call them monsters, but what I would call them is paranormals. They're all real fairies, whitches, vampires, werewolves, the galore. The grimm brother stories those arent't real, though. Figures, who wants a world full of goody princess with their stuck up prince charmings? Not me obviously.

Humans are ignorant because of those movies they make. For example Tinkerbell, Twilight, and Dorthy. What do these all have in common? Humans make them seem like something their not. Tinkerbell with her smiling face and bell voice that gets on my god damn nerves. Wrong. Tinkerbell is acually a bitch to be in a fight with. There is only one thing that can kill her. A silver knife to the heart. Miss that spot and your as dead as Captain Hook. I can't put it into words how ugly those things are. You just should stay away from them.

Next Twilight the most stupid of them all. (a/n I love twilight this character just doesn't) I'll admit vampires are fine, but that doesn't mean they won't suck you untill you dry up like a raisin. That would be an ugly sight. Another thing. VAMPIRES DO NOT GLITTER IN THE SUNLIGHT. That is so cliché. I bet now when you think of a vampire you picture Edward Cullen aka Robert Pattinson. If vampires glittered, my job would be a lot easier. Glittering in the sun would obviously set off some alarms.

I bet your wondering what I am. I'm obviously an alien but I'm not categorized with paranormals. I don't kill humans don't get the wrong idea. To answer any questions I'm not blue, purple, green, orange, or pink. I'm mixed with african american and asian. I'm not a hater of paranormals. It's just do you want flesh eating monster around your kids. No. I didnt think so.

I just feel that anything that's less or more than human should be dealt with. Preferably like a bug, squashed and killed a.s.a.p. You must find this weird coming from an alien. Let's all just take a moment to laugh at that. The world is a strange place isn't it.

Shall I describe myself. I don't want anyone getting the idea that I have more than 2 eyes. Silk black hair, tan colored skin, double lidded eyes, 1 button nose, and a pair of lips to complete the ansamble. Here's where it gets weird don't. Freak. out. I have six fingers.......

I'm joking.

I have 5.

My eyes their violet. Thats the one thing that sets me apart from being human. Except for I know how to kick some ass. Not saying humans are useless, but they are.

Paranormals be prepared to be mopped the floor with. Being friendly with a paranormal is like sleeping with the enemy. I've always wanted to say this. It's kill or be killed on Earth. I think I delivered that line well.  Paranormals need to be made extinct and that's my oath as a hunter

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