Chapter 1

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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be truly happy? To be the kind of person you want to be? To live your life to the fullest? These are only some of my thoughts as I am sitting on a plane to Saugatuck Michigan.

The reason I am moving is for my dad's job. To be honest I have no idea what he does even though he has explained it to me oh so many times. I pop my earbuds in and listen to some country music to pass the time. Some people don't like country music and that's ok. Not everyone has the same taste in music but you have to try it before you diss it.

I look out the window to see the mountains and the trees and soon enough I see Oval beach which means we are close to our destination. I look to my right to find my 7 year old brother, Eric, asleep.
"Eric" I say while lightly shaking his shoulder.
"Time to wake up bud" He slowly opens his eyes and then let's out a yawn while rubbing his eyes.
"We there Addy?" He asks while still yawning.
"Yeah bud, I can see Oval beach from here. Take a look." He climbs over my lap and takes a look out the window. He looks at the landscape in awe as we have never lived near a lake that size in our entire lives.

The intercom came on a few minutes later, asking everyone to please be seated and put on their seat belts. My father just came back from the restroom and sat down in his seat across the aisle. We were on a small plane since the airport in Saugatuck is small.

"You two ready to live in Michigan? I think this place will be our home for a long time."

"You really think so dad?" My brother asked while getting buckled up again in his seat.

"Yeah I really think so son."

I just roll my eyes. I give us a year at most before we move again. He always says that he believes that this will be the place we settle down but just when we start getting into the groove of things, we have to move again. This will be my 12th house in the last 8 years.

My mother is no longer in the picture but before she left, she became pregnant with my brother.

Ever since then we have been moving from place to place. Every place is the same though. People try to talk to me and I ignore them, simple as that. You learn to build walls around yourself when you move a lot so you don't get attached to a person or place. Yeah it can be a lonely life but I have my brother and dad and that's all I really need.

We land a couple of minutes later and then get our bags from the overhead and walk off the plane. It wasn't a full flight, in fact it was barely half full. We go through the airport and catch an Uber to our new home.

Dad already looked at the house on one of his trips and decided to buy the house. We lived in Why, Arizona for 4 months before my dad decided to move. The school year already started so I didn't get too use to my school before we had to move.

Dad told us that the house was a two story, 4 bedroom, 3 bath. He showed us some pictures as well and it looked like a nice house.

We arrive at our new house an hour later and thanked the driver. It really was a nice house with a big front yard and enough space between houses to make it not look like it was crowded. We headed on Inside and went upstairs to claim our bedrooms.

My dad normally buys the house's pre-furnished and then replaces anything he doesn't like. He makes quite a bit of money so we live fairly comfortably.

I head into the first bedroom and noticed that it was my favorite color, forest green. Looks like dad took the liberty to make my room exactly the way I would want it. I thought to myself.

I look around the room and noticed that my bed was against the window, overlooking the street. I saw a desk at the end of my bed and a bookshelf right next to my bed. The next thing I noticed was a big fluffy rug and a bean bag chair in the corner. I look at my walls and noticed one of those types of boards where I can tack papers or pictures to it. Then I looked to my right and noticed some music notes around my room along with a metal violin decoration above my bed. Honestly, I think this is my dream bedroom. I noticed my closet behind my door and opened it. It was a freaking walk in closet! There was a mirror on the outside of the door and there was a light inside that lit the whole thing up.

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