𝚡𝚡𝚒. 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚘𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔

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When Alex came to, she was in her bed, her arms wrapped around an empty bottle of Jack Daniel's. She let go of it and sat up and looked around, feeling a little woozy when she moved. She raised a hand to hold her head and tried to remember what had happened the night before.

She stood up, seeing she was still wearing everything from the day before (except her boots). She wrapped her blanket around herself and slowly stepped out into the living room, moving to take a seat on the couch.

"Hey, you're awake." Alex looked up to see Jerry holding a paper plate loaded with random breakfast foods out to her. "Here."

Alex didn't hesitate to take it. "Marry me," she said, picking up the peeled tangerine and eating half of it in one bite.

"Alright, if it means I don't have to sleep on the floor again."

"You slept on the floor? Why? Is this fine couch not good enough for you?"

"Isn't that where Jo sleeps?"

"Yeah, so?"

"I couldn't just take her bed," he said with an almost incredulous laugh at the suggestion. "I mean, it was alright anyway. You have carpet. It was nice."

Alex shook her head and chuckled to herself as she ate the food. "Did you already eat?"

"Huh? Oh, no. I'm not hungry."

Alex rolled her eyes as she finished her breakfast and stood up, walking into the kitchen with the blanket trailing on the floor behind her. "Come on, you gotta eat something. And I have a lot of options now--it's not just bagged noodles and canned fruit."

"Yeah, I noticed," Jerry said with a grin, getting up to follow her. "You're thriving, aren't you?"

"Yup," she said, turning to him with a big smile. "It's great. So what do you want? I can't really cook, but I can do my best," she said with a laugh.

"Nothing, come on. I made you food so you wouldn't have to make any."

"You should've made yourself some, then. You're gonna eat. You can't just skip breakfast after drinking...however much it was you drank."

"I didn't drink as much as you did, I'll tell you that. Also, we didn't finish it all. What's left of the beer is still in the freezer."

"Oh, I forgot I put them up there." Alex opened the freezer and her eyes widened at the sight of its contents. "Holy shit, why did we buy so much?"

"I don't know, but we drank more than double what's in there, so..."

"My God. I don't even remember drinking all that."

"Don't forget the first bottle of Jack Daniel's."

"First? Is that supposed to mean there's a second?"

"And third," he replied, opening one of the cabinets. Two full bottles of Jack Daniel's were sitting in there.

Alex stared at them in surprise and reached out to grab one. She turned it over to read the label before setting it down on the counter. "How the fuck are we alive?"

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