3. But Is It The Real Jim Pickens?

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Kevin couldn't believe what he saw in the ladies bathroom. The man Daniel was talking about earlier was real. The ''real'' Jim Pickens just stood there, doing his famous evil laugh he always does. With a knife in his right hand. There was no blood on it, yet. That's great. Kevin had no idea why this person looked so much like Jim, and even acted like he was him. He was probably just some psychopath who escaped from a madhouse.

Kevin saw Ciara's shoes underneath the 5th toilet cubicle, great, now he knew where she was hiding for Jim. Kevin quickly hid behind a wall before this Jim person could see him.

Jim opened the door of the 1st cubicle, Kevin really needed a plan. Jim opened the 2nd door, Kevin reached with his hands to his pockets to see if he had something with him which he could use to beat Jim up with. Jim opened the 3th door, Kevin just realized that he had nothing with him to beat Jim with. Jim opened the 4th door, Kevin felt his heart pumping in his chest. It was now, or never. Kevin ran towards Jim.

Just when Jim opened the 5th door, Kevin hit Jim in his eye. And Ciara kicked Jim in his stomach. 'Kevin, I'm so glad you're here!' Ciara shouted, while she kicked Jim one more time. Jim pulled Ciara out of the cubicle. He raised his right arm with the knife still in his hands. He was about to stab Ciara with it. Since Kevin was hit by a car a few years ago, he couldn't lift his arms up to stop Jim. He had to do something else. Kevin dived down and grabbed Jims legs. Jim fell on the ground. Kevin took his knife as fast as he could. 'Isn't this what you wanted?' Jim shouted at Kevin. 'It's too late to stop me now!' Jim ran away before Kevin could say anything.

Ciara looked at Kevin. 'What does that mean?' 'Uh, I don't know.' Kevin lied. He did know what that meant; Jim was trying to get Kevins dream to come true. If Ciara was dead, there was no competition left for Kevin, and that meant that Kevin could go to The EuroTuber-Tour! No, he couldn't tell Ciara that it was his fault that some psychopath was trying to kill her. Then she'll never like him back. Wait, what did he just think? Did Kevin just really start to develop feelings for Ciara? No, that couldn't be true; he thinks she's annoying because everything about her is perfect.

'Ke-Kevin..?' Ciara stutterd. 'Yea?' 'Thank you for saving my life' she gave Kevin a hug. Kevin felt guilty, but he couldn't let Ciara know, so he hugged her back. 'No problem, we gotta go call the cops, before, you know, this Jim Pickens person starts trying to kill more people.' Ciara nodded.

'Where were you guys?!' The intervieuwer asked angry. 'You guys were supposed to be on stage with me! You can hug each other as much as you want after the interview is done!' Kevin blushed, don't let her see it Kev, this situation is already awkward enough.

(A/N: Okay so I didn't know the word "toilet cubicle" in English so I asked it to Google Translate and uh yeah I hope it translated it correctly lol.

In case you thought that the picture of this chapter is 100% real, I'm sorry, I photoshopped it. I know, I'm really good at photoshop. I think my photoshop skills will make this fanfic even better than it already was.

Also, i know Kevin has a GF irl but let's just pretend she never existed. No offense to Anna tho, she's great:) )

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