"Isn't that right, Hecate?"

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"When the gods come among men, they are not known

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"When the gods come among men, they are not known."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson.

It's nice.. to finally met you.

 to finally met you

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New Moon Pack

"What are the odds! This is certainly quite a surprise! And a teacher?!"

"Yes, unfortunately," I shot back, not attempting to hide my scorn over Luke's statement. "Not every day you meet a woman who is both a warrior and a teacher."

Ezra scoffed. Imagine him shitting his pants once you add "Queen" to your resume.

"You could've at least informed me, Beta Alexander, that you guys are together. Looking at her, she's unmated." Ace added rather distastefully.


"It's a pleasure officially meeting you." Alex interrupted, squeezing my shoulder. "I'm flattered that you see us as a couple. A wonderful idea, but sadly, we are not. Alexander Reign, Beta of the Blood Moon Shadow Pack." Alex finished, shaking Addie's hands.

What the fu- are you trying to help me or bury me sixty feet deeper to the ground? I linked.

He disregarded my sharp looks then went on to enchant Addie with his deep, mysterious eyes.

"Apologies for the confusion and my Beta's bad sense of humor." I smiled as I take Addie's exploring eyes off of Alex. "I think it's high time for me to introduce myself and apologize for abruptly leaving the shelter. I'm Ronnie, a warrior of the Blood Moon Shadow pack."

"A Beta and a warrior...Royals, the characters of a blooming love story! I am a romantic myself, so I'll be cheering you on!" Addie squealed.

"You seem to be exhausted enough to ignore me, Adeline."

"Cousin! you are cranky as always. Cut back on the caffeine and relax will you?" Addie nagged as she engulfs Ace into a warm hug. "Visit my office once in a while. I'll prescribe something for your irritable behavior."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2020 ⏰

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