The Moon Heir

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"Maybe the wolf is in love with the Moon, and each month it cries for a love that it will never touch."

15th Century

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15th Century

End of Hundred Years War (1453)

Blood Moon Shadow Pack

   "I can't take it anymore! Goddess, it hurts so much!"

   "Luna Selene, the child is coming. Please hold on a little bit more."

A series of screams echoed outside the Queen's chamber. Everyone was anxious and at the same time delighted - an heir will finally be born. Luna Selene was able to conceive after endlessly visiting Oracles and trying all methods from the best healers of the Kingdom. The child is believed to end the uprising from rogues who doubted the King's rule because of his inability to present an heir and the result of the war.

   "Is my son out yet?" King Richard asked as he paced back and forth in front of the chamber's doors.

   "Patience my Alpha King," Lord Archibald, the King's head adviser tried to calm him. "You'll be able to see your son anytime soon,"

   "I have waited for eight years, Archibald. The war has ended and I can't wait any longer. They'll stop scrutinizing my rule once I rub my son's birth on their faces. I-"

The Alpha King's words were interrupted by a baby's cry through the door. Moments later the pack healer slowly came out of the Queen's room, with a worried expression.

   "How is my son? Is he okay?" he asked, agitated. He tried to enter, but the healer halted him.

   "My King, the Queen, and the child are fine. She needs to rest. It was a difficult childbearing. Please... I beg you to be gentle."

   "I don't care about Selene, that's what she's here for. I've asked for my son. Now if you don't get your face out of my sight, I'll have your head on a platter before this night ends."

   "I understand... my King," the pack healer cowered in fear.

Tension filled the room when King Richard furiously made his way to the Queen's bed, giving the nurses a threatening look. Everyone silently scurried as if they have forgotten to breathe.

   "Move! Show the child to me!"

   "Richard... she has your eyes," Selene said as she cuddled the child in her arms. King Richard was awed by the scene, but his head instantly snapped once he heard what she said.

   "A she? What do you mean?!"

   "Our, our daughter..."

"What do you mean our daughter?!" Richard snarled while looking at the abomination wrapped in front of him.

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