Janus' POV

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((Before I start, I realize I said they were in a relationship. I meant that as a father son, friendly type relationship. I didnt mean like boyfriends. Thet would be SUPER weird considering Virgils only 14 and Janus is 25. Just clarifying in case you guys were confused!!))

"Big softie." I chuckled

"Only for you Stormcloud." I moved Virgil up to my neck and laid him there gently. He sighed contently a little and slipped into sleep. "Sleep well Stormcloud." I didnt know if he could hear me but I didnt mind. He was already asleep. I carefully covered him with the part of my shoulder cover and slipped over to my room unseen. Logans room was beside mine with Remus's across from it. I guess Thomas wanted us further since we were strange to him. Roman is next to Remus and Virgils room is beside Thomas'. Patton across from Virgil. Patton seemed like the dad for all of us although I'm pretty sure hes, like, third youngest after Virgil. I shrug slightly, clearing my thoughts as I gently move Virgil to my pillow and place a part of the blanket over him so he can sleep. He was so peaceful in his sleep, his soft features relaxing.

I feared for him the day I woke and he was missing, feared he had been hurt or killed. I was so glad when I saw him with Thomas that I nearly revealed his secret. I'm glad I didnt though, he may not have trusted me again if I had. Gently I brush some hair from his face as Patton barges into my room, causing me to jump and cover Virgil up. I may have woke him but I knew he wouldnt chance letting them see him grow to our height.

"Patton? What brings you to my room?" Patton glared at me a bit

"Wheres Virgil?! Nobody can find him and Roman said he saw you in Virgils room with him, so where is he?" I backed up a bit, taken aback by the accusation... Sure Virgil and I fake banter but that's to try and hide the past we share.

"I have done nothing to him Patton. We were simply speaking to each other in his room."

"I dont believe you, where-" Patton gets cut off by a tiny Virgil moving into my lap and sitting, growing to our height.

"I'm right here Pat...." He leaned into me, playing with my shirt, a nervous habit of his. Patton looked at Virgil like he had grown a second head.

"Virgil? You can shrink?" Virgil just gave a shakey nod and hid his face in my neck. I gently rubbed his back. Patton seemed at a loss for words, as if trying to put the pieces together. "Why didnt you tell us...?" He seemed hurt by the secret.

"B-Because everyone uses me.... they find out I-I can shrink and they manipulate it..." he hid more and shrank down again, holding tightly onto my shirt.

"Hes had a rough past with others..."

"They hurt me..." He spoke softly, surely scared of what hed just revealed. Patton was one of the most talkative people in the house, if anyone was gonna tell the others it would be him.

"We would never do that Virgil." Patton looked even more hurt.

"You were gonna hurt Dee cause you thought he hurt me..."

"What? N-No I wasnt, I was just worried about you. Its weird for a fourteen year old to be around a non-family member that's twenty-five!"

"Its weird that Thomas brought two minors to his home without even looking for parents." Virgil shot back, Patton wasnt going to win this argument.

"You said you didnt have anyone and Remus had Roman." Patton spoke softly, as if worried about hurting Virgil with his words.

"Whatever..." Virgil rolled his eyes and shrank down, cuddling into my shirt and hands. Patton looked confused about why he trusted me. He then glared a bit before leaving, as if warning me. I sighed and rubbed Virgils back, allowing him to sleep again.

((Heyo guys!! Long time no update! Sorry it took so long, with all this school stuff and work I've been kinda busy! But dont worry, I'm gonna try and get my schedule going again. Now, for the story, should I make Patton unsympathetic or should I just make him dislike Dee cause he knew the secret first, you decide! Or put out your own Ideas! And see all you wonderful people, potatoes and attack helicopters in the next chappie!!))

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