>>Prologue pt.1<<

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Your name is Kim Lopez [y/n]. You are part of a half Latin, half Korean family.

Your family lives in a large house right outside of Seoul. You are the youngest and only daughter of your family. You have 9 Brothers and you are 4 years younger than your youngest brother and 15 years younger than your oldest brother.

You knew you had been an accident but your parents never treated you any different from the other children, however, your brothers always reminded you of that every time you had a fight. When you were born they couldn't accept the fact that a girl was ruining their "dominance". Because of that they always made your life a living hell.

They stole your things, pulled your hair, ruined your drawings, pushed you around and sometimes even beat you up badly. Of course, there were consequences for their actions but they never seemed to learn. When you turned 5 and started going to school, things got even worse. They now beat you without getting a punishment since your mother and father weren't around to stop them at school. It was around that time that they gave you the annoying nickname of "Kitten" due to your height and pretty features.

They mocked your feminity, your beauty, your kindness and cheerful attitude because, in their opinion, those things were signs of weakness. At the age of 8, you asked your mother to enrol you in self-defence classes. There, you met a little boy, called Dabi, he went to your school and was also bullied by your brothers. You quickly became extremely good friends and protected each other as if you were siblings.

You two practised every day to become stronger. You were starting to become really good.

At the age of 14, you and Dabi started to go to a convenience store every day after school to buy candy and chocolates. By this time, both of you had started to fight back your brothers, however, your strength was still not enough. You would always sit around the candy ile talking about ways to get stronger. Until one day, the owner of the store joined the conversation and gave you a way to become stronger.

-Join my gang - he said - and I'll make you two the greatest assassins in this planet

You and Dabi look at each other and smile.

A few days later you two start training with the owner of the store every day.

After two years, you and Dabi had changed completely, physically and mentally. On your 16th birthday, right before bedtime came around, you called your brothers for a meeting in the storage room. This was the room, your brothers would come to get a break from our parents or to beat you up whenever they felt like it. The door closed behind the last person coming in the room you started to talk about something random. You knew that sooner or later they would tackle you to assert their dominance.

You waited patiently, with a calm and emotionless attitude (your new attitude, the attitude of an assassin, which was very different from your old cheerful, smiley attitude). Once someone jumped to grab your wrists, you attacked them back. After a few minutes, you looked around the room looking at the 9 injured bodies laying on the ground, almost unconscious

-From now on the strongest member of this family isn't a man. I've clearly proven that today. The strongest member of this family from now on is ME. So, respect me and nothing will happen to you but if you don't be prepared - you say proudly.

You walk out of the room victoriously leaving them all behind, thinking about the powerful future you will have in this house.

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