First Meeting

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Hey guys, first chapter! I'm so excited, mostly because Total Drama has been one of my favorite franchises since I was young. I don't consider myself the best writer, but I really hope I get the personalities down and that the chapter is okay. Without further ado, let's start this chapter!


You were Courtney's sister and happened to meet Duncan while they were dating. Courtney has always been the better sister out of the two of you since she is a CIT and you were just a writer. You have written novels and had them publish, some doing quite well, but it never measured up to what Courtney has done. It kinda surprised you that she would date a delinquent, knowing her.

You were sitting at a cafe waiting for them to show up. You saw them pass by the window and waved watching as they headed inside. They were bickering, but not in a married couple kind of way. It was more of an actual fight.

"You guys okay," you asked making them stop. They sat down and acted like nothing happened, well, Courtney did. Duncan just looked kinda annoyed and somewhat depressed. Courtney talked both your heads off in her know it all kind of way and was telling you how she was going to 'fix' Duncan. Let's just say you both got annoyed about this really quick. When Courtney went to the bathroom Duncan let out a breathy sigh.

"She's a real pain, huh?"

"Yeah, I'm thinking about breaking up with her. I don't like hearing I need to be fixed."

"Being totally honest, she's the one who needs fixing. You seem like an okay guy, considering you can put up with her." He chuckles and you two start to chat. When Courtney came back she was angry you two were getting along, so she took Duncan and left.


You were in the first season of Total Drama, and you hated it. When you first set foot on the dock you were pissed that they lied to you. You stepped over to the side of the dock where everyone else was and set down your one bag. You had horrible clothes because you were very poor. Winning the money would mean you would be able to take care of yourself and your older brother.

"Wow, I've never seen someone with such horrible clothing choices. You look like you crawled out of a dumpster." You look over and see this girl who was dressed in expensive clothing and had really pretty black hair. You tried not to take it to heart and ignored her which pissed her off."Do you not hear me?"

You look at her and look down not saying a word. A lot of the other contestants were looking at you now. You felt like you were going to cry.' What if I look bad? Do they hate me too?' You felt a hand on your shoulder and see a cute boy with brown hair and a gap in his teeth." Don't listen to her, she's just jealous that you're prettier than her." Your cheeks were on fire, no one has ever EVER called you pretty. This melted your heart and the girl was seething. When you guys had to pose for the picture you were sitting on Cody's lap since there was no room, both of you blushing up a storm.


You were an avid bookworm at your school. Everyone could find you with your nose in a good book. You were in the library this time reading 'The Raven' by Edgar Allan Poe. It was absolutely amazing so far, but you heard someone saying your name. You turn around and see a boy with dark brown hair and tan skin.

"Sorry, but could you move, please. I'd like the book that your blocking," he said in a monotone voice. You stepped away and he grabbed the book from the shelf. You must have forgotten to sit down again.

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