His Thoughts About You {Confessionals}

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So when I had thoughts of doing this chapter I was at a loss until I remembered the bathroom confessionals! Or the other variations of them in other seasons. So, what better way to express their thoughts than in them!  So sorry for the severely long wait too. I hope this is okay.


'Man, {Y/N}'s the best. She's a million times better than Courtney. All Courtney ever did was start fights and 'fix' me. Tch.*whispers*  But  {Y/N}  said I'm fine like this. *looks at the camera, glaring*  If someone hurts her I'll cave their face in.'


'So, ever since getting to the island I've been hanging out with {Y/N}, but I have no clue how to tell her I like her...or if I should. She's out of my league. I've been flirting with Gwen to get my mind off of her, but it does the total opposite. What do I do?!'

*From outside*

Trent: You should ask her out, man.

*cue a huge blush of embarrassment before the camera cuts out*


'*Sigh* Everyone on this island seems to be a bunch of idiots. I miss being back home doing my book exchange with {Y/N}. She's smart, funny, sarcastic, pretty-...'

*Cue huge blush and camera static*

*Whispers* 'I can't believe I said that on international TV.


*Busts open the confessional doors*

'I can't believe Chris added her to the show! How did he even find out about the one girl I've ever had feelings for! If she gets hurt because of this I'll kill him! '

*Tries to calm down*

'She means too much to me. I have to make sure she stays safe from everyone's antics.'


*walks into the confessional at night with a huge blush*

Miss {Y/N} is just so kind. She always makes me feel so comforted and at ease when I'm with her. No girl has made me feel this way before. I just got done doing her hair and it was so relaxing, but I was a blushing mess. I do wonder why all the girls were giggling while I was there. Maybe I didn't do a good enough job on Miss {Y/N}'s hair?! Oh no!

*Cue Brick mumbling and camera static*


*sits with no shirt and his hair slicked back*

So, {Y/N} is a total doll. She's cute, funny, super hot! What else could the Veto be looking for? She doesn't even mind Mike and everyone else. We all love her, but Veto loves her the most.

*Cue Mike coming to and gasping*

Wait did I turn into Veto? Ugh! I guess we switched when {Y/N} accidentally tore off our shirt when she tripped and fell. Ahwww, {Y/N}. She is the most amazing girl in the world. She totally gets me and doesn't think I'm a freak. Everyone gets along with her. I want to ask her out, but she probably just sees me as a friend. I don't want to ruin our friendship.

*Gasps and turns into Mal*

But I want her, and I want her soon. Mike might be too wimpy to ask her, but I sure am not. I should ask her soon, for all of us, but mostly for me.

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