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Writers note: let me know if I messed up somewhere or something doesnt make since. Wrote this almost half asleep.

Ps: let me know if you have any scenarios or other characters you'd like to see

    I turned without missing a beat, leaning over the counter slightly to hand the man his tea.
I smiled gently, "have a nice day," I said.
He reached out with both hands, one hand under the cup and the other to grip the sides. His boney hand brushed mine and I looked up to meet his sunken in blue eyes.
    "Thank you, you too," he said watching my smile fade off my face.
    Both of our movements were to fast to really think about my strange expression. He turned and made his way out the door. I stayed for a moment staring at his back until he pushed open the door and made his way down the sidewalk.
    "Creepy huh?" My coworker said.
    For a moment I was unable to speak, I wasn't sure how he was even alive, I didn't mean to notice, but it couldn't be helped when I touch someone. I could feel old wounds, and his was very deep and dentrimental. I leaned away from the counter. No one outside my family knew about my quirk, and I wasn't going to explain myself to my coworker either.
    I turned and lightly slapped his arm as my brain came back to me, "don't say that about people you rude turd!" I said turning back to my work station.
    "Dont call me rude I saw the look on your face! you looked horrified!" He defended himself.
    I shook my head and waved my hand back at him, "just... keep ringing up orders."
    "I don't have any" he retorted. Someone came in at that moment and I turned to him smiling.  
    "You were saying?"
    He rolled his eyes and turned to the customer with a smile, carrying on the peppy fecaud one uses while working.
    The rest of the day carried on as usual, with an added bonus of I don't wanna toutch people anymore. When my shift was over I made my way to my small apartment on the shady side of town. I would always wear my oversized hoodie with paint splatters on it to fit in a bit more. I knew there were villains around the area I lived so I tried to keep a low profile.
    It probably wasn't the safest, but I would always walk, I'd never had issues before and if I were to have any I would just heal myself anyways.
    I was seven when my quirk came in, a late bloomer. My parents were becoming worried. But it was obvious to see the relief in their eyes when my quirk ended up being something that could be used out of the line of fire. Every kid aspires to be a hero if they have a quirk. And if their parents dont have quirks they pray that they will.
    I would've been the same had my parents not died when I was 14, I'd come home from school to an obvious struggle between my dad and some foreign visitor. My mom was found in our room strewn about. And everything my parents had kept in a safe was gone.
   The safe was peeled open by force. It was hard to say if it was because of where my dad worked, law enforcement, or if my mom had failed the wrong patient at the hosbital. Or if it was purely a robbery.
    It didnt matter at the time. I dropped out of school, started working. And refused to use the ability that failed my parents. It's been several years since then, I know I can't heal a dead person. I'm not mad anymore. Life is okay.

    "Extra whip on the frappachino" I said back to my coworker. Today was my friday so I tortured my coworker by calling the orders while he scrambled to make them. He wasn't very good at his job, he needed the practice.
   It'd been a few days since the first time I'd seen that strange deathly man with the wicked scar, and he'd become something of a regular. He always came in the morning, always got a tea. He seemed nice, just had an unfortunate accident it seemed.
    After ringing up my customer I leaned back and snagged the drink, putting on the whip and the lid, "the next customer will have a medium vanilla chai latte extra sweet with cinnamon and whip" I said, looking back at her, I smiled, "right?"
Cierra, one of our regulars nodded happily. I made my way to the register and rung her up and she stepped to the side watching my coworker struggle. My eyes flicked to our new regular. The one with messy blonde hair and sunken in cheeks.
    "Good morning!" I smiled at him, looking him directly in the eyes.
    He nodded, "goodmorning" he said, "uh..."
    "Medium black tea?" I asked and he nodded silently.
    I nodded back at him and whipped around to tell my coworker as I watched him try to figure out the portions of the first drink. I sighed and walked over making the tea. He took too long for our rush hour.
    When I finished I turned around to face the strange man and walked his tea over, I set it on the counter for a moment and he pulled out his cash for the drink.
    "Wait wait," I said, his eyes snapped up at me.
    "Name?" I asked picking up his tea and grabbing a sharpie.
He looked at me for a moment, "Toshinori"
"Alright" I said leaning against the counter with my hip, writing on his cup.
He looked down and gently placed his cash on the counter. I passed the cup over to him when I was finished.
He lifted it up to look at it and a small smile crept over his face. I leaned forward to look at the cup with him.
"Did I spell your name right Toshinori?" I asked looking up at him, it was the closest I'd ever really been to him but I wasnt much of an introvert.
    He looked back down at me, it seemed like he was blushing a little, "y-yeah thank you... you..." he looked into my eyes for a moment longer, I could feel my own face heating up now. What is it about his eyes that's so hard to look away from?
    They're so dark, shadowed by the structure of bone in his face, but the color of his eyes, and the story they have behind them is so hard not to focus on. You could see his good nature in them. "Have a... wonderful day... too" he said softly his face reddening a bit more.
    "What's the next order?" My coworker asked snapping me out of my trance.
    I smiled to Toshinori, I leaned back "oh I haven't gotten that far! Good job catching up!" I said looking at my coworker.
    I glanced back at Toshinori to see that he was making his way out. I grabbed the cash off the counter and rang up his drink while taking the next order.
    When it slowed down my coworker leaned against the counter. "So what the fuck was that earlier?"
    "You mean me not making every drink?" I asked grabbing a rag to clean the counters off with.
    "No I mean the googoo eyes you made at shrivels this morning" he said raising an eyebrow.
    "I dont know which part of that sentence is more aggravating" I said flashing a look his way and he laughed.
    "Seriously though! I have seen many guys hit on you, I've seen girls hit on you! And you couldn't care less, but someone with cancer walks in and your all over it... maybe your a necrophiliac"
    "Ewe!" I said turning and hitting him with the wet wash cloth and he put his hands up in defence, laughing, "really! what was that?!"
    "Nothing! It was nothing!" I said turning and continuing to work while he slacked off.
    He scoffed, "that wasn't nothing"
    I growled, "I'm going to go restock some stuff in the back"
    "You mean fantasize about your grave yard hobbies?" he said. I threw the washcloth at him, hitting him square in the face with it.

    After work I walked home wearing my typical hoodie. The sun was setting, the sky hadn't illuminated with beautiful colors yet, but by the time I made it home I knew it would be.
    "Where do you think your going? Did I say you could leave?" I heard a voice comming from the alleyway just ahead of me.
    "Please stop this isn't funny" I heard a girls voice as well. I stopped dead in my tracks. I knew that voice.
    "No it's not funny is it, but I'm not going to hurt you.. as long as you behave yourself"
    "P-please stop" I heard the girls voice again, wavering.
    Vanilla chai latte extra sweet with cinnamon and whip. My heart thumped in my chest. "No it's not funny is it, but I'm not going to hurt you.. a long as you behave"
    My own breath was shaky. What do I do... I can't save her later from mental trauma. That isn"t damage to the body that can be healed like a wound... I swallowed hard and began to think.
     I heard her whimper and I could hear cloth tearing. My brain suddenly began to work I scanned the area for something.. anything to use to get her out of the situation. A rock was the only loose item on the ground. It would have to work. I gathered it up in my hand, it was larger than my fist.
    I turned around the corner abruptly, my eyes landed on the man. He wasn't very big but could still overpower her. His leg was between hers, he had a knife and was ripping away at her shirt, her bra was completely exposed and he was working at her pants next. Tears had silently been running down her face.
    I threw the rock, hitting him in the side. He growled and turned to look at me.
    "Fuck off you loser!" Was the only thing I could get out of my mouth. Fists clenched at my sides.
    "How bout you turn and leave and I'll let you live" he said putting his knife at her throat to keep her from moving.
    "How bout you let her go and I let you live" I bluffed.
    He laughed and punched her in the stomach hard, making her curl into herself in pain, sliding down the wall. He turned to me and made his way towards me.
    I took a shaky breath and pulled my fists up, in a fighting position. He laughed seeing my flawed fighting style.
    "You have no idea what your doing" he said rushing towards me, knife swinging.
    I just barely dodged, moving backwards. His knife came straight out then and I dodged to the side he smirked and reached out grabbing my arm and throwing me back into the ally, sending me stumbling into some boxes. I fell back hard on my butt. I glanced back at Cierra as she gasped for air.
    "Get up!" I said to her, I know not breathing sucks but hurry up! I thought.
    He laughed, "you know.. your pretty too" he smiled licking his lips. My eyes moved back to him, the horror in my eyes must've been obvious because he started to laugh harder.
    "Yeah! Well so are you!" I yelled angrily.
    He stopped for a moment then laughed, "well thank you" he said tossing his blade and catching it.
    Cierra looked at me for a moment, "I'll come back I swear" she whispered then got up and tried to run, but he reached out and grabbed her hair.
    "Stop it!" I growled, suddenly on my feet and swinging my foot between his legs. His grip loosened and she slipped by, he turned to grab her again but I slammed my weight into him. His knife swung, slicing into my shoulder. I hissed in pain and he growled in anger.
    He pushed me away from him, his leg around my foot, tripping me backwards. "You little bitch" he said stomping on my stomach in anger. I curled in defence, and his foot then hit me repeatedly in the back like a child fighting their school bullies.
    He was ontop of me after. Trying to pull my hands to the side of my face. I struggled against him even when he switched his focus to my throat. I gripped his hand trying to loosen his fingers. I tried reaching out to get him but his arms were longer than mine.
    "Let's start from scratch shall we?" He growled, taking his knife to the rim of my hoodie and cutting it down. It felt like my wind pipe was being crushed. He smiled viciously as he began to cut through my work shirt. My eyes became flooded with tears the moment, my skin was flooded with the cold air.
    "Nice.. I'm glad you switched out with that other girl" he snarled.
    His grip loosened enough for me to breathe as his knife then moved under the cloth of my pants. The tip of the blade cut into my skin as it sliced through my pants.

My Hero Academia (All Might) Toshinori x reader (smut)Where stories live. Discover now