Chapter One

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"Hey, Mackenzie! Wake up! It's 7 in the morning already." Mum continuously kicked my mattress. Just when you thought that you can take the weekends off by sleeping in after a tiring week of internship but nope.

"Urgh! Okay okay. I'm awake!" I covered my face with a pillow and curled my body. Once Mum left my room, I turned to my right to grab my phone from under my pillow. The time on my phone showed five in the morning. Wow. Thanks, Mum. Other than the time, I looked at my messages. No new messages. Expected. Who would want to text a boring person like me, right?

I got up from my bed and looked at the mirror by my vanity table. What happened to me? I look like a tornado that happened in my room while I was sleeping. My messy wavy hair looked like a bird's nest, pointing in different directions. I tried smoothening it with a hairbrush before jumping into the shower.

Got out of the shower and put on a t-shirt and a pair of high-waisted jeggings. I tried to hair-dry my hair but it's close to impossible when you have thick and long wavy hair. I ended up with slightly damp hair and went straight to the kitchen to meet the rest of my family.

"Do you want Nutella with your bread and a cup of hot milo?" asked Mum.

"Nope." Ever since I started puking on every first day of primary school, I never wanted to eat breakfast ever again. Every time I puke in school, I ended up being sent home which meant that I had to skip the first day of school which sucks because I would miss out on the part where everyone introduces themselves to the class. Something I needed because an introvert like me can't introduce myself on my own to others without being pushed to do so.

"Cameron, can you get off your phone? You won't die from not texting Annie." Mum is always annoyed when Cameron, my brother is on his phone. You can say that Mum doesn't fancy Annie. One of the reasons why is that she's a bad influence. Ever since they got together, Cam would always be in his room and raising his voice at us. He has changed ever since he got together with Annie.

Cameron rolled his eyes and put his phone down to chug on his bowl of cereal. Like literally. He held the bowl with both hands and drank the contents in the bowl like he's the beast from Beauty & the Beast.

"I'm off." Cameron got up, grabbed his bag, and left the house.

"Kenzie, remember to focus on your studies first. Don't have a boyfriend. You're too young." Dad finally spoke.

"Then why does Cam have one? He's 3 years younger than me. I'm already 20." I became defensive.

"It's too late for him now."

"He's still young. I doubt he'll last long with Annie. Once he graduates, he'll forget about Annie because she'll still be in secondary school." I was furious. I had no plans of being in a relationship after my ex but the part where my parents set different rules for Cam and me, just angers me. I didn't mean to offend Cam by saying that they won't last long but from my observations, it's highly possible. Their relationship is toxic.

I got up and left the house to go to a school event that I just remembered signing up for. The event is at a mental institution, organized by my classmates and friend, Liz. As I was reaching the door, I could hear Mum talking to Dad. "I think you're being harsh on her. She's already 20. I got married to you when I was 21, remember?"

I have no thoughts on getting married at a young age like Mum. I want to be able to get a stable job and me being the eldest child, I feel the need to be able to financially support my family. I do not want to depend on my future partner. I want to be independent. I was brought up that way.

The school event was fun yet tiring. It feels great to spend some of my free time to make someone's day. The next day, I received a follow request on my Instagram. I clicked on the profile and a guy I've never seen before appeared. It turns out that we share a mutual, my friend, Ellie. I went on my group chat with the girls in my class.

Me: Anyone know this guy? *sends a screenshot of the guy's profile*

Ellie: nope.

Me: But you followed him?

Ellie: I always follow whoever follows me HAHAHAHA

Liz: I think he was from my event at the mental institution. Check his name in the group chat we had for the event. His name, Aiden seems familiar.

Me: Oh really? *checks the group chat* Omg he was from the event. Should I follow him back? How does he know me?

Liz: He must've seen you during the event. "How did he get your IG account?" is the question you should be asking. Stalker?

Me: Erm... I did remember having someone stare right at me during lunch break but I can't recognize him because I wasn't wearing my specs. It was blurry.

Ellie: No harm in following back *shrug emoji*

Me: Hmm... I'll just follow back tomorrow.

I did follow him back the next day. I thought he looked kinda cute. Kinda. Not my type but still cute.

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