I change Fate

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I woke up gagged and tied up to chair. Ah the typical bad guy move...bad girl move in this case.

I heard the sound of footsteps as someone entered the tent. I pretended to be asleep. Big mistake. I got hit across the face by something big and heavy. I groaned. I was hit across the face yet again. There was a little giggle as it happened.

I was getting ticked off. These hunters were enjoying abusing me. I opened my eyes and saw a shield coming down on my face. I growled under breath.

I looked up to see my attacker or should I say attackers. I looked up and saw Zoë and Phoebe grinning at each other.

"What do you want hunters?" I growled.

"Who are thee?" Zoë questioned. "Thee emerged from the ground in the middle of our camp the way a child of Gaia would."

I growled once again. "What I do and who I am is none of your business. I apologise for appearing in your camp despite having no control over where I appear. Now please let me go."

I tried to keep it as polite, in my terms, and straightforward as possible. I didn't want these hunters knowing anything about me or where I'm from.

"Lady Artemis shall decide thy fate. Until then, thou are at our mercy," Zoë snarled.

"I'm at no one's mercy," I spat.

BONK! The shield said hello to my face once again. I looked up and saw Artemis smirking at me along with her hunters.

I was getting seriously annoyed. When the shield came down again, I was ready with my power. As it hit my face, I willed it to melt. Molten celestial bronze dripped down my face.

The hunters' bows materialized in their hands. I was ready though. In a flash, my ring turned into my stygian iron sword and I broke about six bows with one slash. I then leveled my sword at Artemis' throat.

"I materialized in your camp by mistake as I had no control over it. I was attacked for no reason and abused. I don't care if you're a goddess. You stand for nothing. You recruit girls who had heart breaks, only to turn them into killers. You kill, torture and abuse every boy you come across, not caring whether they are innocent or not. You disgust me."

I was fuming. I could feel the molecules in the air vibrating with power.

"Who do you think you are, questioning an Olympian?" Artemis snarled, pulling out her hunting knives.

I gave a sinister laugh and smiled at the goddess challengingly.

"I am the Primordial of Order, son of Night, warrior of the abyss, General of the army of Night, conqueror of shadows and two time saviour of Olympus," I spat at the the goddess. She paled and stepped back as my aura flared and started to malfunction, causing black lightning to strike places on the grass, making it whither and die.

Those titles I had were achieved by me during my time before becoming a Primordial.

Comment if you want those stories as well. (Warrior of the abyss and conqueror of shadows)

I then willed myself to dissolve into darkness and reappear in camp half-blood.

Despite this being an alternate reality, I still felt a little pain in my chest when I walked through the barrier.

A camper spotted me and ran up to me. He had his sword in hand, just in case. As he got nearer, I realised that it was Luke. I couldn't help but smile. I needed to spend some time with him and the other warriors of Chaos later on in my universe.

"Hi, my names Luke," he said. "Did someone drop you off here or did you run here?" He asked me.

"Don't worry," I said. "I know about this stuff."

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