The Party

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"Ugh, there are so many people here." Noah's family was having a party. He had to cancel our movie date, and I couldn't go to the party because we would have been hanging on each other the whole time, and they didn't know he was gay yet.
"Just come over here." He giggled.
"You know I would but they'll notice and I don't want to get in trouble."
"Just go to your room and we'll keep talking." I heard yelling in the background.
"I gotta go. I love you Ash."
"I love you too Noah. Bye." He hung up, I flopped on my bed. My phone vibrated.
Noah: there are so many people here. I can't breathe.
Ash: just in, out, in, out
Noah: I can't.
Ash: go to the bathroom. Just stay there. I'm coming...

"I'm going out, and taking the car. Might be back later bye!" I walked out the door and got in my car. The drive was short, only about 7 minutes. I pulled up to his house, and texted him.
Ash: I'm going up the tree, open the window.
I jumped out of the car and made my way around to the back of the house. Noah had a big tree by his room. I'd always climb through it if his parents were home. I sat on the branch and waited until Noah came to open the window. He had tear stains down his cheeks, he was sniffling. I climbed in his room. I pulled him into my chest, he wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Hey it's okay I'm here now. Shhh." I combed my fingers through his hair. He was shaking a bit.

After a few minutes he calmed down. His breathing evened out.
"You alright?" He nodded. "Okay. Do you want to watch a movie or try to party?"
"Can we just stay here and watch a movie?"
"Of course we can."
"I'm going to tell them I don't feel good. I'll be right back."
"Okay hurry." I got his laptop and started to scroll through his Netflix to find a movie. Nightmare Before Christmas sounded good. I got under the blanket and put the laptop on my lap waiting for Noah to get back.
"I think they bought it. What movie?"
"Yay." He crawled under the covers and snuggled into my side.
I felt something move under my arm. I opened my eyes a bit to see Noah looking up at me.
"Good morning beautiful." I smiled and pulled him closer.
"Morning Handsome."
"I like waking up to your amazing face." He smiled.
"I love it too. I wish we could wake up like this everyday."
"Someday. Maybe soon. We are almost 18."
"Well you are. I have a couple months still." We stayed cuddled together until we heard heavy footsteps.
"Ash I hate to do this but get in the closet."
"Go!" I jumped up and climbed into his closet. (Credit to the movie G.B.F.) His brother walked in.
"We're you talking to someone?" Miles took a step towards Noah and Noah feel onto the bed.
"N-no." Noah started shaking like he used to.
"You know we didn't get to have fun at the party last night. How about we make up for it now." Noah had started shaking as miles made his way towards him. Maybe I couldn't take two of them but one I can try.
"Hey!" Miles turned towards me. He gave a little smirk.
"Aren't you the little punk who stopped last time? Why are you here anyway? Wait no. My little brother is a gay boy. Isn't he?" I turned moved towards Miles and punched him. Right in the jaw. How dare he cause my beautiful boyfriend so much pain.
Miles clutched his jaw, his lip was bleeding. "You're going to pay you little faggot." I was about 3 inches taller then Miles, he was more musclely then me but I still was able to push him out of the room. Quickly closing and locking the door.
Noah was standing wide-eye by the bed. Miles was knocking on the door. "Do you want to come with me?" I walked over to Noah grabbing his hands. "You can come to my house. And you won't have to deal with him anymore." Noah was just nodding he was still shaking a little. "Let's pack you a little bag."
We scrambled around the room grabbing some essentials he might need. I sent him down the tree with his backpack first. Then I unlocked his bedroom door and quickly ran to the window, climbing that tree (:P). When I got to the bottom I grabbed Noah's hand and we ran to my car. This is going to work I know it will.
When we reached my car, I helped Noah in the went to my side.
"Thanks Ashton. For actually caring about me." Noah said grabbing my hand.
"How could I not care about you?"
"No one ever has before."
"Well I do. And I'll never not care about you. Now let's get you out of here."

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