Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

*Author's P.O.V*

What exactly do you do?

And again no greeting.

I mean I told you how I
feel about them.

It's not like it's gonna kill ya.

Can I get an answer or...

Do you find me unattractive?

No. Now answer my question.

Then what the hell is it
about me that makes you
behave this way towards

I'll just ask the men in
your comment section

Are you asexual?

Extremely not.

Are you in a relationship?

No and I'm gonna take my
leave now.

Ok wait.

I'm listening.

I simply take pictures or
videos of whatever guys
want and they pay me.

So a sugar baby?

In a way yes.

And you don't show your
face at all?

Never have never will.

Can I see your face?

It'll cost you.

How much?

A million.


You're joking right?

No. I'm very much serious.

If I bump it up to 1.5 million,
you would still send it?

Yes. I don't see the problem.

Shit neither do I.

But before that happens
I just want to know one
more thing.

Go right ahead.

I've heard that you're pretty

Wanna test it out? 😏

I mean if you wanna
demonstrate then by all
means do.

Well I like my ass slapped
until it's a deep dark red.
That alone can make me
cum. Wouldn't you like
that??? To see me cum
while moaning out your
name as I grip onto you
and clench around you.


I bet you would feel so
heavy on my tongue. I
wouldn't want to stop
from giving you head. I
would want you to pet
my head and call me pet
as I do it.

Awww. That was cute

Where did you hear that?


Answer me!




Thoughts??? Predictions??? There's more to this story than what meets the eye.


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