Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

*Author's P.O.V*

Harry opens her door when she hears a knock on it. She ordered room service a while ago so she figures that it must be them. She should have check the peephole cause when she opened the door she almost loses grip of her towel that's around her chest. A wave of fear suddenly washes over her as she stares into electric blue eyes. She thought she would have never come face to face with them ever again. The first and only thing that she could think of is that he's here to kill her. There wasn't much that she could do as Niall walks into her room with his hands behind his back. He has a big smile on his face and she doesn't know if it's an evil smile or a innocent one. She highly doubts that he does anything with innocent intentions. She closes the door but doesn't move away from it.

"What are you doing here?" Harry asks, staring at his pockets to try and see if he has a weapon on him.

"I came to hang out with you." Niall answers, noticing her packed suit cases.

"But why?" Harry questions, remembering that she just purchased a teaser.

"Because I thought that I'd finally meet the person behind that pretty little account." Niall explains, using his hand to motion up and down at her body.

"What's that you have behind your back?" Harry asks only to flinch when he whips out a keychain of a panda eating ice cream.

"I don't really know what you like so I decided on something that I think everyone would appreciate." Niall informs, taking note of her flinching.

"How thoughtful." Harry replies before pressing her back to the door once she sees him pick up her butterfly knife.

"I see you've gotten the Microtech Special Batman Tachyon 3 balisong version. You must have did your research." Niall says then sitting the keychain down and running his finger along the steel blade.

His eyes light up as he starts to show off his skills. The clicking of steel is like music to his ears. He makes it look like child's play as the steel travels through and around his fingers so fast that Harry can't even keep up. He closes it and puts it back just as fast as he was playing with it. That was honestly kind of hot but there was no time to be thinking like that. Harry jumps when there is a knock on her door. She wastes no time in opening it, which sends off the wrong message to the server in front of her. Her quick breathing, flushed face, and frantic eyes makes it look like she is in danger. He looks over her shoulder to see Niall sitting down in a chair with his hands neatly folded in his lap.

"Is everything alright miss?" The male whispers to her and she nods while pulling the cart in the room and smiling at him."Ok. Don't hesitate to contact us."

"Sure thing." Harry tells him then closing the door, wondering why she didn't blow the whistle on the brunette.

"You have exquisite taste." Niall says from right behind her causing her to accidentally elbow him in the chest as she turns around."Sharp elbow you got there."

"I'm so sorry. Do you need me to get you some water or anything?" Harry asks as he rubs his chest and shakes his head.

"A kiss will make it better." Niall answers with a wink while opening the tray on the cart and humming at the delicious looking food.

"If you're gonna be like this then you can just leave." Harry responds as she glares at him while he stares at the towel around her.

"Oh come on Harry. You always talk about the things you would want to do with me and how you wish I was in front of you yet here I am and you're acting like none of that existed." Niall replies, fixing the cuff of his grey suit.

"I don't have time for this. I'm going to go get dressed. I would much rather prefer if you were gone when I return." Harry says, walking pass him but her arm is grab and she is pull toward him.

She goes to shove him away but her chin is grip softly and the next thing she knows is that she feels lips press against hers gently. She promises that she isn't this easy but she couldn't help but to melt in his soft pink lips. There's just this aura around him that really didn't make her feel disgusted or annoyed at him. He was dangerous in so many ways but her mind didn't want to voice that. She makes a mental note to end whatever this is as soon as possible. She didn't want to get caught up in his mess. The others that tried to pull this off ended getting kick in the dick before their filthy and chap lips could touch hers. She pulls away from the kiss when she feels herself leaning toward his body like a magnet.

"I have to go but I'll meet you in the Netherlands to take you on a date. That's only if you'll let me." Niall says once his phone starts to go off in his back pocket.

"You get one date. Don't screw it up." Harry finds herself saying and he tries to contain his laughter.

"If you ever need help with your knife, then you can FaceTime me and I'll gladly help." Niall responds a few fun memories of using his own coming to his mind.

"But I don't have your number." Harry states not hearing her phone ding in the bathroom.

"Yes you do. See you soon sweetheart." Niall replies with a wink before slipping out the room as Harry runs to her phone.



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