Reality And The Love Story

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A lovely place

But it’s not meant for me

Some like it

But not me

It’s not as colorful as my



It’s black and white


When you head to my world

It’s completely different

Color sparks the nation

I know you’ll like it

Because you’ll smile

With your eyes

And I’d never leave my imagination

But it’s not up to me

And the real world

Pulls you back into the black and white

Kingdom of pain

And you’ll frown again

Then I think

If we leaved without a trace

Would anyone even care

When beauty met the beast

He froze

He stared at her

With wide eyes

They gleamed in the moon light

And all the evil melted

But when they entered reality again

He was back to mean

And if love was a light

They would be blind in both eyes

He touched her hand

And it the evil was gone again

Their imagination took over

And the color was restored


A Poem Collection By XbreathXinXWhere stories live. Discover now