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"When Remus is gone and in the hospital wing the night after a full moon, he'll hug one of Rem's sweaters in bed."

It was the night after the full moon, meaning Remus was in the hospital wing, so Sirius was left to deal with his thoughts alone.

He couldn't sleep and was incredibly frustrated. He hated it when his Moony wasn't there to calm him down, Prongs and Wormtail just couldn't do it the way Remus could.

So he figured the closest he could get tonight was one of the wolfs sweaters, I mean if he couldn't have the boy, at least he could have his scent.

So Sirius, being as quiet as possible tiptoed over to Remus' trunk, grabbing a sweater he knew the boy had worn only two days prior.

So he grabbed the sweater, climbing back into the four poster hugging it, lightly taking in its scent, wishing he could be cuddling Remus instead. The sweater smelt of chocolate, tea and parchment, in other words it smelt like Moony, and that was something Sirius greatly appreciated right in this moment.

Usually when the boy couldn't sleep he'd climb into Re's bed and lie in his arms cuddling him and sleeping with his Moony. So James and Peter would often wake up to the boys in the same bed, of course, they were rooting for the two to get together until the day it finally happened.

This, of course, was something he deeply missed on the night after a full moon, he longed to be back in his lovers arms but considering Moony was bound to the hospital wing tonight, he knew he couldn't have that, not tonight anyway.

So he settled in his bed, closing his eyes and inhaling the scent. He wasn't sure when but he drifted off to sleep in the early hours of the morning.

Usually Sirius would wake up before Moony arrived and put the sweater back, sleeping with his sweater when he couldn't cuddle Remus was not a rare occasion, but this particular morning Remus had gotten up to their dorm before Pads had awoken.

He smiled, a blush forming across his cheeks when he saw the boy asleep, cuddled up with his sweater, and though he never mentioned it to anybody his heart grew three times the size that morning.

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