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You were both in your rooms getting ready for your date. Jungkook had been throwing things out of his wardrobe, deciding that they weren't good enough. While you had just been pacing back and forth, attempting to keep your breathing level as you thought about what you could wear. Eventually, you both had decided on your outfits and got dressed. Jungkook left his room and knocked on your door, as if he was picking you up for the date. When you opened the door, both of your jaws dropped.

"How the fuck did we manage to match our outfits..." You both stated in unison, looking each other up and down.

" You both stated in unison, looking each other up and down

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"Anyway, are you ready for our date?" Jungkook asked.

"Yeah! What are we gonna do?" You questioned.

"I'm taking you out to a nice restaurant."

"Ooooo, can't wait!" You exclaimed as you took his outstretched hand in yours.

You both left the building together and made your way to whatever restaurant Jungkook was bringing you to.

You looked at the menu and frowned a little. You hadn't really expected the place to be this nice. You also hadn't expected it to be this expensive and as Jungkook had insisted on paying you felt bad ordering anything at all.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook had noticed the look on your face and seemed rather concerned for you. "Are you not enjoying yourself?" He asked.

"No, no! I am! It's just... um... really expensive and I feel kinda bad." Your cheeks flushed red at having to voice your thoughts.

"Don't worry about that. I wanted to take you somewhere nice." His voice went a little quiet, obviously a little sad abouy your concerns.

"I also kinda really wanted pizza and they have none..." You trailed off a little, wanting a hole in the ground to swallow you up.

"Honestly, I kinda did too. Probably should have checked what the menu was online first. How about we go home and order pizza instead?" He asked hopefully.

"Sounds perfect." You replied.

So you did just that, you went home and cuddled up on the sofa eating some take out pizza. Eventually, you both fell asleep there, content with the start of something that would, hopefully, be something great.

(A/n: and this is the "last part" in the sense that the next part is the epilogue ^-^)

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